Has anybody used forest floor soil for compost tea?


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I live surrounded by hardwood forest and the soil floor beneath the leaves is a beautiful rich black soil. Just curious has anybody used this in a compost tea? I would assume it's loaded with good stuff. Thanks all.
I’m curious about this too. Honestly I can’t see why not- as long as it seems like good active topsoil with a lot of life in it.
A lot of beneficial tea recipes used to insist that GH’s ‘Ancient Forest’ humus was the best thing to use and I needed to buy some. ‘Specially collected from an ancient forest floor in Alaska’. The product isn’t available here, but my house is almost surrounded by forest, and I’m looking out my window at Alaska.
I never really got into the tea thing much and never tried the forest loam- just compost. There’d be no real way for me to tell if that one ingredient was making a difference.
Great idea. We regularly wild craft herbs and also worm castings in the forest local to us.

The local forest happens to be a mostly 2nd growth forest mixed with old growth.

The network of hyphae is vast and large.

The worms the worms.

So yeah make a tea, look for the castings as well.

Look for biggest trees. The dead branches laying on the forest floor will have castings beside them.
The only proper organic soil is the soil that’s around you. It’s no brainer really, so harvest it responsibly and try it for your plants.
In planting my container tomatoes a few weeks ago I ran out of soil so I moved the top cover of leaves from where I usually dump them in the fall and took beautiful dirt underneath, mixed it with chicken manure that’s been sitting for a few years and added perlite and pear moss and lime. I passed it all through a screen to remove debris. My tomatoes and peppers love it so far.

You may need to amend as necessary but it’s working for me. I will definitely harvest more.


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We have an unbelievable amount of deer, woodchucks and others who I’d watch destroy my veggies every year so I put them up on the deck.

I have some clones of Jack Herrer and Gelato OG outdoors along with a fresh candy and blue dream autos. The deer haven’t touched them at all.

They’re my first attempt growing outdoors and I think they’re looking good, and big so far. I just threw them outside because I didn’t want to keep running the tent all summer. I have 5 gal smart pots at the ready if I need to pot up before flower


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