Heavens Shores - Bill's 2022 Grow: Come Meet Howie! Show Us Your Grow Too - Bring A Pic

This is one of the most amazing things I have ever read. You write and have experienced your life like a Druid. A rare thing indeed!
Good morning @Halcyonmom :ciao: hope your having a great day my friend.
How is your garden doing this year?
R.D. is a legend isn't he.:love:
You only get quality posts like that here on Heaven's Shores. ;)
I'll read that every so often for the rest of my life.
If that doesn't uplift you and put life in perspective your a sociopath and don't have a heart.
It'll be here for ever for people to read.:cheer:
And not just us.
There are thousands of people, not members who read this stuff every day.
World wide.
Makes me so proud to have that here forever.:adore:

Stay safe :cool:
So sorry @Bill284. Your heartbreak is palpable, and for what it’s worth we’re trying to share it with you and lighten the load. :green_heart:

Listen Sensei, let’s say you brought back the already very compromised plants. If it were me I would never be able to shake the feeling that I compromised them so much early on that the end product just has to be compromised too. I’d always wonder the whole grow. Whereas you can start over today and be up and running in four days. It’s a no brainer. Right?
Good morning my friend @Jon :ciao:
You are 100 % right.

Bag of Coco is cooking as we speak.



Stay safe :cool:
Damn Bill, super happy to see you growing again my friend! Super sad to see you had some problems. You'll get things straightened out and soon, we'll all be drooling at the results!
I was heart broken for a few minutes but that was it.
Poisoned them and forgot about it.
You can ask Stacey, before she new what had happened completely , I was already laying out my seeds.
I had them labeled and soaking within half hour.
Spent the next day with Howie just moving on in my head and giving my brain a break.
Now I've got tails to plant, Old school in Coco. :cheesygrinsmiley: :surf: :morenutes::morenutes::morenutes:
Rock and roll me Old Trout, ROCK AND ROLL :theband:

Stay safe :cool:

So sorry @Bill284. Your heartbreak is palpable, and for what it’s worth we’re trying to share it with you and lighten the load. :green_heart:

Listen Sensei, let’s say you brought back the already very compromised plants. If it were me I would never be able to shake the feeling that I compromised them so much early on that the end product just has to be compromised too. I’d always wonder the whole grow. Whereas you can start over today and be up and running in four days. It’s a no brainer. Right?
Air pots you say? Coco you say?! I’m interested!
Hey TC :ciao: good morning.
My thread is so mixed up I'm not even sure that's today. :rofl:
We are going to do some coco, WooFreeken Who.:woohoo:
Hope you slept well last night.

Stay safe :cool:
Damn Bill, super happy to see you growing again my friend! Super sad to see you had some problems. You'll get things straightened out and soon, we'll all be drooling at the results!
Thank you sir.:thanks:
I've got big shoes to fill to catch you.;)
But ima gona tri, hehe.
Hope your good my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
I'd love to see a big pot of coco in your greenhouse. Even if most of them have to stay in soil, I'd love to see the coco guru in action! Keep all the shrubs in soil, let me see that monster tree in coco :)

Glad to hear the insecticide is working, have fun getting all those girls in air pots.
Unfortunately my airpot supply is limited, so coco might get some favoritism. ;)
I found a place to get more, I only have 1 bag now.
It's a 2 and a half hour round trip though.
So I'm making a list and going 1 more time.
I'm not filling the 50 with coco, too late for such babies, but I have 1's, 3's and 7' I think, so a few anyway.
Enough to have some fun.:theband::thumb:

Stay safe :cool:
Glad the mitecide seems to be doing the trick... And well if it doesn't kill em, maybe the spray might trigger a pheno or cool mutation? Does it work that way like in human cells when they get damage they create a mutation that is then passed down in genes? Idk just normal mornin thoughts haha
Good morning Hap :ciao:
No mutation other than ugly leaves in the garbage.
Most actually survived, well still standing.
I'll have 2 grows on the go if I let them live.
Uppot for sure though.
Pouring here now, maby it'll clear up and I can move my work bench into the green house and keep working.
Hope everything is going your way my friend. :Namaste:

Stay safe :cool:
Funny how there are fewer blacks in the area, I lived that nature seen in Jasper for a while mid 80's. Very few brothers.

And yet, Canada was the haven for so many slaves escaping the US way back when Abe Lincoln fought the good fight.

Montreal is so multi-cultural. A paradise for those who can appreciate diversity in both demeanor and cuisine.

I am sure, ReservoirDod, that you gained more life experience during that period that many would not gain in a lifetime.

You lived, you learned. So many people go through their lives with blinders on. Not you!

Kudo's, brother. You are a survivor!

Please... Pay it forward!
Morning Scott, apologies for the late reply.
I knocked about in Jamestown and area ( TO. ) when young, my Jamaican accent came naturally back then.
Drove my Irish parents nuts.:rofl:
Wish I could have you over for curry , Narinder my best friend growing up, his father taught me how to make curry chicken, Rita, Roti, Nan, Dahl and many other dishes.
You'll have to throw the TP in the freezer before sampling my curry.
Having an Italian grocery store next door growing up was the greatest.
I learned to hunt with a bunch of Italian gentlemen. ;)
Love Italian cuisine. :love:

Toronto or my neighborhood hood of it was multicultural.
I got off topic :bong:
I'm a better person for it.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Oh yeah I love Montreal Terrific place.
And stay tuned, you will enjoy the rest of the summer.
R.D. is going to tell us a little more of wonderful life.
I'll get a few more stories out of him before harvest, more interesting than my plants. Hehe.
We can all gain from his wisdom.
Have a good day my friend. :ciao:

Stay safe :cool:
I'm sorry about the mites bill ... I have a bunch of random seeds and some stable genetics if you want them? I sent another member here some a few weeks back and he started a new grow this weekend.... I'm just not sure how they scan envelopes at the border or if it's illegal to send seeds.

But I know you'll be back up and running in no time... Sending you best wishes.
Thanks Hap. :ciao:
I'm sorry for late reply to this post.
I'm a little behind, just catching up now.
I'm ok for seeds Thanks, I won a bunch and Rexer fixed me up from his prize package aswell.
I'm already up and re running.
Appreciate it Amigo.:love:

Stay safe :cool:

That post took me back in time to my adventures as a hunting guide in Montana. I spend most of my free time teaching my kids how to enjoy the outdoors now and am absolutely loving it. My friends say I should write a book about some of my travels but there still may be warrants out for me! Haha. Thanks for the post.

Hey NTH :ciao:
Your not going to drop a Nugget like that and then not give us a tale !!
You must have a few that stand out.;)
Hope your good Mucker.

Stay safe :cool:
@Bill284 Do you have access to T-Drops in Canada? I have been using them with great success on my last few grows.
Hope that link isn't breaking any rules, sorry in advance if it does.
Fantastic I'll look into that as soon as I can catch my breath.
Moving my work bench is killing me.:rofl:
Thank you so much my friend.
I really appreciate it.

Stay safe :cool:
Ha! No big shoes for you to fill at all my friend. You passed me before I even started growing. It is me that has the big shoes to fill to catch up to you!
You have your stuff buttoned down don't short sell yourself. ;)

Stay safe :cool:
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