Heavens Shores - Bill's 2022 Grow: Come Meet Howie! Show Us Your Grow Too - Bring A Pic

Here is a better write up on T-Drops....

TAnLiN (a.k.a. NIL-NAT) Now called T-Drops
Biological Fungus Gnat Treatment
Non Toxic
Makes 400 – 500 GALLONS!!
No Resistance
Safe to Human Adults and Children
Safe to Animals
Safe to Envioronment
No Withholding Period
Use Right up until Harvest
Fungus gnats, also known as Sciarid Fly, are one of the most crop devastating insect pest that any indoor grower is likely to encounter, equally as bad as spider mite. They can be even worse than spider mites because they do their damage well hidden amongst the roots. At least with spider mites, provided you are watching your crop, you can spot them as soon as they appear. However, the first sign Fungus Gnat is usually an abundance of small 3-5mm long flies on the surface of the root ball or medium in which the plants are growing and by this stage the plant will be suffering.
Each Fungus Gnat female lays 200 eggs in warm conditions. The eggs hatch out into maggots which immediately start eating the plant’s roots. These maggots, although they are small, are eating machines. They munch their way through the root system quicker than the plant can grow new roots. They damage the plant’s ability to take up water and nutrients. The damage they cause also exposes the plant to infection to root diseases. In short, they can totally wreck the plant’s root system without you being aware of what’s going on amongst the roots. When the plant’s root system is wrecked, so is your crop. The maggots will become adults in two weeks and lay their own batch of 200 eggs per female. That’s 20,000 maggots eating roots in just 4 weeks or two generations. DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE ADULT FLIES BEFORE YOU START TREATMENT. Do what the label says (and what commercial growers do) and use Nilnat as a preventative. That’s when it is most effective.
If you see small black flies walking around the surface of the medium, you should be immediately suspect Fungus Gnats. They generally prefer to walk around but they will fly when disturbed. If you suspect damage, look for the larvae amongst the roots. These larvae are tiny but conspicuous. They have clear white or yellow bodies and black heads. Plant symptoms are generally those of various nutrient deficiencies. Root diseases, such as Pythium, use the damage caused to the roots by the Fungus Gnat maggots as an entry point.
Canadian Xpress Nilnat is a biological control for Fungus Gnats. It is a microscopic crystal which, when eaten by the Sciarid Fly maggots, swells up in its gut, perforates the gut wall and kills the maggot.
Even though you use Nilnat, you may still see an occasional Fungus Gnat, don’t be alarmed. The Nilnat will be working. Remember that the maggots must first eat the Nilnat for it to be effective. It doesn’t kill the adults. The adult flies may still enter your growing area from other sources. In fact, Fungus Gnats have become a serious problem in nurseries and indoor growing areas all around the world. They, therefore, are numerous wherever it is warm enough and wherever there is moisture and food. That’s a lot of places that will support a Fungus Gnat population and provide a source of infestation for your growing area.
We also recommend keeping your growing area dry and free of dead leaves, bits of soil, etc."

Started Uppotting
Bill 284 Method


Stay safe :cool:
Hi Bill! :ciao: You still dealing with pests?:confused:
Infact lately due to my traumatic brain injuries I'm having difficulty typing.
Just read this. So sorry to hear this. Hope everything is okay! Is there anything that WE could do for you in turn?? :hug:
Sucha friendly guy always willing to help with anything, so you deserve the same!

Have a good day Bill :love:
Oh, BTW, updates on two things I've mentioned on threads of yours:

Turns out peat products like Root Riot and potentially your coco easzplugs, or whatever, are held together with biopolymers. Don't think agar would work alone, as I queried at the time, but after some research, I've got a recipe idea or two I will try and report back on. Biopolymers are extremely common, you likely ingested some today as most fresh foods are thinly coated to slow ripening and they don't really wash off without a heavy scrub.

Second, that COOSA organic fertilizer/miticide is not systemic as I earlier claimed. Of course, its fertilization action is systemic, and a chelate even, but the miticide portion is a topical only, of the bacteriological type. A couple of common bacilli. Sorry. Glad I only quasi-misrepresented myself as a member of an organization interested in bringing new products to the N. American cannabis market - to acquire a little sample package and not the 5000 kilo min. order they required. Not that it's shown up yet.
Hi Bill! :ciao: You still dealing with pests?:confused:

Just read this. So sorry to hear this. Hope everything is okay! Is there anything that WE could do for you in turn?? :hug:
Sucha friendly guy always willing to help with anything, so you deserve the same!

Have a good day Bill :love:
Racing motocross and playing football and Hockey most of my life was fantastic.
Love sports and motorcycles.
But too many times I was knocked out cold.
Compounding a traumatic concussion I received at age 6.
The cumulative effects are showing now.
My memory and hand motor functions are starting to show the effects of a rough youth.
But I'm resilient and will be ok don't fret.
But thank you for your concern Verb.
Hope your having a great day my friend. :ciao:

Stay safe :cool:
That’s a lot of supplies holy moly can’t wait to see you work your dynomyco magic!
Good morning T.C. :ciao: still getting organized.
I still need to replace most of the things lost in the fire.
But I've got a start at it.
I'm getting low on @DYNOMYCO . Hopefully they send me some more.
They did say they were going to send samples to the grow shop in town here, but nothing yet.
A little package sells for $95.00 up here, if you can find it.
Sold out or no stock up here.
I've got 30 or 40 girls to up pot and need a bucket full of the stuff. :rofl:
Works so well I don't want to miss the opportunity to use it.
Hope your good my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
Geared up and ready Bill, Amazing setup.

All the success for you.
Thanks @danishoes21 Good morning my friend .:ciao:
You would have loved my old set up.
5 years of accessories and equipment 700 litre capacity tanks.
Everything you could imagine all organized and ready to go.
Unfortunately after the fire I had to start over.
I'm slowly getting what I can.
But I'm nowhere near equipped the way I need.
In time I'll get it.:thumb:
Hope everything is going your way today.

Stay safe
Here is a better write up on T-Drops....

TAnLiN (a.k.a. NIL-NAT) Now called T-Drops
Biological Fungus Gnat Treatment
Non Toxic
Makes 400 – 500 GALLONS!!
No Resistance
Safe to Human Adults and Children
Safe to Animals
Safe to Envioronment
No Withholding Period
Use Right up until Harvest
Fungus gnats, also known as Sciarid Fly, are one of the most crop devastating insect pest that any indoor grower is likely to encounter, equally as bad as spider mite. They can be even worse than spider mites because they do their damage well hidden amongst the roots. At least with spider mites, provided you are watching your crop, you can spot them as soon as they appear. However, the first sign Fungus Gnat is usually an abundance of small 3-5mm long flies on the surface of the root ball or medium in which the plants are growing and by this stage the plant will be suffering.
Each Fungus Gnat female lays 200 eggs in warm conditions. The eggs hatch out into maggots which immediately start eating the plant’s roots. These maggots, although they are small, are eating machines. They munch their way through the root system quicker than the plant can grow new roots. They damage the plant’s ability to take up water and nutrients. The damage they cause also exposes the plant to infection to root diseases. In short, they can totally wreck the plant’s root system without you being aware of what’s going on amongst the roots. When the plant’s root system is wrecked, so is your crop. The maggots will become adults in two weeks and lay their own batch of 200 eggs per female. That’s 20,000 maggots eating roots in just 4 weeks or two generations. DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE ADULT FLIES BEFORE YOU START TREATMENT. Do what the label says (and what commercial growers do) and use Nilnat as a preventative. That’s when it is most effective.
If you see small black flies walking around the surface of the medium, you should be immediately suspect Fungus Gnats. They generally prefer to walk around but they will fly when disturbed. If you suspect damage, look for the larvae amongst the roots. These larvae are tiny but conspicuous. They have clear white or yellow bodies and black heads. Plant symptoms are generally those of various nutrient deficiencies. Root diseases, such as Pythium, use the damage caused to the roots by the Fungus Gnat maggots as an entry point.
Canadian Xpress Nilnat is a biological control for Fungus Gnats. It is a microscopic crystal which, when eaten by the Sciarid Fly maggots, swells up in its gut, perforates the gut wall and kills the maggot.
Even though you use Nilnat, you may still see an occasional Fungus Gnat, don’t be alarmed. The Nilnat will be working. Remember that the maggots must first eat the Nilnat for it to be effective. It doesn’t kill the adults. The adult flies may still enter your growing area from other sources. In fact, Fungus Gnats have become a serious problem in nurseries and indoor growing areas all around the world. They, therefore, are numerous wherever it is warm enough and wherever there is moisture and food. That’s a lot of places that will support a Fungus Gnat population and provide a source of infestation for your growing area.
We also recommend keeping your growing area dry and free of dead leaves, bits of soil, etc."
What a fantastic post, thank you so much @oldmanjj Hope you are having a good day my friend. :ciao:
I'll get those ordered right away.
Thanks for this.
I really appreciate you taking the time. :love:
Such great help here, thanks.

Stay safe:cool:
Oldmanjj, what is their purpose?
Good morning GDP. Hope everything is going well today.
OldmanJJ did a terrific post on those drops for us.
Did you see it?
Looks like terrific stuff. :thumb:

Stay safe :cool:
Hi Bill! Hope you're well mate. Looks like you've got a fun day of potting lined up. I too will vouch for the TAnLiN. I've only had gnats once and the local shop recommended the stuff. A bit pricey but within a week of using it they were gone and never came back. That little bottle will last a long time too.
I'm having trouble finding a supplier of the cx fungus gnat juice, online avail. in Canada. At least, one I can use with confidence. Haven't tried the phones yet, too early and my hearing issue is bad again. Any recent experience with IndoorGrowingCanada out there? I've had a major issue with them for months and cant consider them as a result, would happily if it were cleared up... are they closing up or something? I really don't know the lay of the land in this industry yet.

Been using diatomaceous trailed everywhere for non-dwc plants, non-stop - which is cheap, personally and otherwise sustainable, and I think an effective preventative for quite a few potential nasties including FGs with just a little "line" of it on soil surface.

But when it comes to going to the mattresses, my discovery is to mix h202, 70% + alco., tea tree castille soap, peppermint castille soap and a dram of water. Kills all generations of all bugs that arent living inside the plant. Right now. All their eggs, babies, mature, in one amazing smelling genocide.

But it's too expensive now, retail, just off the shelf, the Castille soap I mean, largely, the others I hafta keep on hand for other stuff but use is sparing. Castille is lovely, blows my mind washing my hair in it but I find when spraying bugs I use a lot more than in the shower. I can't get into making it myself and hope to see savings, so, I'm gonna miss it.

That CX product looks very promising, on all fronts. Thanks for that Mr. OldmanJJ, sir. Do we know for sure it's approved in Canada?
Hi Bill! Hope you're well mate. Looks like you've got a fun day of potting lined up. I too will vouch for the TAnLiN. I've only had gnats once and the local shop recommended the stuff. A bit pricey but within a week of using it they were gone and never came back. That little bottle will last a long time too.
srry VetSmoke85, was operating from an unrefreshed browser. Great to hear. Cost is really # applications and efficacity. Both appear promising.
Good morning T.C. :ciao: still getting organized.
I still need to replace most of the things lost in the fire.
But I've got a start at it.
I'm getting low on @DYNOMYCO . Hopefully they send me some more.
They did say they were going to send samples to the grow shop in town here, but nothing yet.
A little package sells for $95.00 up here, if you can find it.
Sold out or no stock up here.
I've got 30 or 40 girls to up pot and need a bucket full of the stuff. :rofl:
Works so well I don't want to miss the opportunity to use it.
Hope your good my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
Yeah I ran out as well myself just haven’t had the money yet to grab some need to get cal mag as well the list never ends hehe we should totally start a dynomyco warehouse in Canada >.> just kidding probably wouldn’t work out the way I’m invisoning it lol
Good morning T.C. :ciao: still getting organized.
I still need to replace most of the things lost in the fire.
But I've got a start at it.
I'm getting low on @DYNOMYCO . Hopefully they send me some more.
They did say they were going to send samples to the grow shop in town here, but nothing yet.
A little package sells for $95.00 up here, if you can find it.
Sold out or no stock up here.
I've got 30 or 40 girls to up pot and need a bucket full of the stuff. :rofl:
Works so well I don't want to miss the opportunity to use it.
Hope your good my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
Hi Bill. Hope thst things are looking up, my friend. Last time I looked, Dynomyco was available on Amazon. Could be sold out by now, though. It was something like 30 somm-odd bucks for 850 grams.
Take care at pat Howie for me.
Dooms day prepping like a boss!
Hey T I'm up to my ass in alligators, :rofl:
I've no idea what's happening any more I'm exhausted.
Did you see maby you have I just got here.
Anyway @Trala Did you see my crocks?
Wore them just for you it's even labeled. ;)
Hope your doing well. :love:

Stay safe :cool:

Trying to save the girls





Uppotting and
trying to save
the girls


I Put the auto into an air pot for maximum root growth
Always put @DYNOMYCO directly on the
roots when you uppot




One of the babies getting an air pot
It's early but I'm trying to save her
Everything a girl needs






Got a sunburn today working in the recovery ward.
@DYNOMYCO , Bokashi , Frass to the rescue.
Some lived through the poison.
Crispy leaves but still alive.
I'll save as many as I can. ;)
Hope everyone had a wonderful day.

Stay safe :cool:
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