Hello from an RA patient


New Member
Hi. I'm a married, middle aged "soccer mom" who has suffered from severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA) since I was born. I've been prescribed just about every drug used to control RA, most of which terrify me because of the long term side effects-----I have premature osteoporosis thanks to use of steroids so my bones have been prone to fractures since age 30. The RA also affects my eyes and I've lost the vision in one of them; it also suffers from bouts of glaucoma.
When I was a kid, there was very little available to effectively control RA. As a result, my biggest problem now is damaged joints and chronic pain; I have had several joint replacements in recent years but there's no way I can afford or tolerate replacing EVERY joint affected (most of my body by now). Because of the chronic severe pain, I have insomnia and fatigue all the time.
I first tried smoking pot in my early 20s and found it helped me feel less pain and be able to function better. I've used pot off and on for about 20 years now, with my usage based mostly on ability to obtain!
I'm now disabled and mostly housebound so I'm kinda socially isolated. Hubby smokes with me---he is also in poor health and retired so he doesn't get out much, either. I had a good source for weed until recently but now I have no connections.
Sorry to be so long winded about my background but I am really hoping to meet other medicinal users, especially anyone with RA or other autoimmune diseases. It's really hard to be a middle class suburban mom type and find marijuana, especially if you're closeted (very conservative family upon whom we're dependent) and don't get out much.
I studied this site for a while before registering and it seems like a great group! I look forward to getting to know some of you!!
Hey Princess---

Welcome to the 420 family. I have only been here a few months myself but I have found the people here to be very friendly and eager to help. And of course, there is so much to learn here.

I feel the same way about the meds I have to take. The side effects are awful. I usually get sick to my stomach. MJ helps my stomach plus helps me to eat. I still take my meds from time to time but I feel the MJ just does more.

Sorry to hear about the pain you are going through. And it sucks to lose a connection. I only have one myself since I moved from my home town. I hope you can make some friend here who stay close by you.
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