Hello from my dojo! First time grower with a posting question.


New Member
Hello! I'm about 5 weeks into my first grow. I've been a member of RIU for these 5 weeks and have to say that you ladies and gentlemen seem sooo much more refined than most of the cretins over there. While there are certainly some nice helpful folks over there, the trolling is rampant enough to look elsewhere.

Reading through grow journals and questions asked here, I have come to the realization that this is just a more friendly community. You have your trolls, but there seem to be many less per capita...and even your trolls don't seem quite as sadistic. Hell, I can't even mention that I'm growing with Platinum LED's without someone having a go at me on RIU.

So thank you for creating a friendly site and I'm glad to be here. Now on to my question. I've read that it's quite safe to post here without fear of LEO. I would love to start a grow journal and post pics. What makes it safe to post here? Is it because this site is offshore and LEO can't get hold of my IP?
:welcome: CobraKai to the number 1 site on the web for cannabis awareness!
Hope all is well in your world.
If you intend to grow, I recommend starting a grow journal so our most experienced growers can find and assist you!
Here are some links that may be of assistance to you:

New Member Start Links
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Grow Marijuana - Everything You Need to Know
How to Resize, Upload, & Post Photos

There are other links below in my signature that you may also find useful.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
We are truly grateful that you have joined us!
Greenest Regards,

Welcome! Glad you decided to join up! I'll let a moderator answer specific questions regarding ip issues, but I know that the 3rd party gallery host strips all pictures of exif data, making it safe to post pictures here without metadata or gps tags. There is a plethora of knowledge here and tons of people willing to help. Trolls, are few and far between here.

I have a couple links and video guides in my signature that may be of use to you and your journey here at 420Mag!

:thumb: :welcome:
Thanks for the hospitality everyone! But my question remains unanswered. Is it to safe to post a stealth grow on this site? What makes it safe to do so? I would really like to start my grow journal...
Thank you UltraDan! Your grow is damn interesting. I've never seen (or heard of) a flux grow...very cool stuff and I can't wait to see how that beautiful beast turns out.
Hi CobraKai, welcome to 420 Magazine.

Although we sincerely understand your concern, we would like to assure you that it is completely safe to post here, as long as you follow our Posting Guidelines.

Please check out our Questions and Answers forum for more of an explanation on how you can keep yourself as safe as possible when posting here: Questions and Answers - The Safety/Legality of 420 Magazine


So thank you for creating a friendly site and I'm glad to be here. Now on to my question. I've read that it's quite safe to post here without fear of LEO. I would love to start a grow journal and post pics. What makes it safe to post here? Is it because this site is offshore and LEO can't get hold of my IP?
Thank you for the links Richard. While my US state legally allows me to grow, my federal government still doesn't allow it. So staying under the radar is important to me...even though I'm a very tiny fish in comparison to so many others. Plus, I read about so many people getting ripped off that it makes me nervous. It's not my grow that I'm worried about, but the safety of loved ones. But the info you provided is quite reassuring and I feel safe about starting a grow journal.
hey there cobra, being that im still a new member i cant PM yet, so im writing to you here publicly.
im looking into buying my first LED for a 2x3 room. and have been debating between the mars reflector series (96x3) or the platinum P150.
i noticed in a differnt one of your threads that you own both lights. do you think that the platinum is wroth the extra money?
the reason im considering the P150 against the reflector, even though the wattage is completely different, is becuase thats my price range, and i read that the P150s have a higher PAR, and also the 'coverage area' in the specs fits my space.
waht dyou think?
Hello, unfortunately I had to cut my grow short so I can't give an opinion based on results. But I can tell you that my 3 P150s in my 2x6 closet did leave portions of the area not saturated in light. I've since started new grows: my 3 P150s in my 2x6 closet with supplemental lighting (8 led bulbs from Home Depot), and my 144x3 reflector in a 2x4 room.

With your budget and space I would say get a 144x3! It will fit in a 2x3 and will absolutely rock it with light. After my current grows finish up I will be able to better comment on the P150s vs my reflector, so I can only give you my uneducated opinion.
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