Help Apprciated!


New Member
First Time Grow! by Lebowskii

Alright. so... figured Id post something in here for some advice. You can pretty much read in that link above in my journal about whats going on... but essentially... my problem child is a 6 and a half tall "Kushage" that for some reason its lower leaves never mature past one or two points before yellowing, shriveling, browning, falling off. Not sure what the problem is... so any recommendations would be helpful.


Most of my Big G-13, as well as the Kushage have little white speckled leaves all over. Some sort of deficiency or something... ? solutions?

Thanks for the help ;)

The white specks could be spider mite problem if it looks anything like this


OR it could be leftover residue if you spray your plants with pesiticides or something of that nature.


For the leaves falling off, i thought it was natural for some of the older, lower leaves to fall off and die over time, but it could possibly be nitrogen defficency, like this

Does nitrogen def. affect the whole plant? So far only lower leaves are falling off... is that cuz its a mobile element?

Ill try to give her a nitrogen boost... thanks! solves that one.

But the G-13 has no mites what so ever. And it looks kinda like that but its only on the inside of the leaves and its everywhere. Havent sprayed pesticides on them directly... but starting to think maybe... a salt build up of some sort? Idk...

Thanks for the help mate! + reps!
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