Help my sick bagseed!

i had been lately feeding her with every watering because the deficiency started about a week ago.

I think nute burn is your problem. Take a closer look. Too many Nutes for the amount of light you have. . You may also need to test and adjust your PH. I am no expert, so let others chime in
hey guys i have been using an organic super soil and after doing some research i think i figured out the problem. i've been watering her since flowering started with ph adjusted distilled water with fox farm liquid big bloom and cal mag. i didnt read the soil well enough and it actually has everything the plant needs to survive. i saw some where that i should not use distilled water with organic super soil. any advice?
Hey guys I just wanted to say that I think I got the problem under control. I took off the first few inches of soil from the pot and I put fresh soil on top and watered it in distilled water. She doesn't seem to be getting any worse now

Should only be about two weeks until Harvest Time


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Looks good man! Sorry I read your question about distilled and got busy with life..... I am not a water expert, so I have no clue whether distilled is good/bad.... if using super soil though, if you can collect rain water it’s cheaper and even better for your ladies, check out @Van Stank and his journals, he uses supersoil/rain water and his plants.. sorry, trees... are incredible!

How many days has she been in flower? From pics it looks like a lot of newer white pistils showing from what i can see ... might be a little longer than two weeks depending! Just be patient and let the buds swell.. last couple weeks are crucial for a good yield.... rule of thumb - if you think they are ready to harvest, wait a week.
yeah im actually aiming for a harvest date of may 8th, shes been in flower since mid march! i have 4 100 watt cfl above her, the bud production is not so quick with the organic nutrients as well. im just being impatient!
hey guys i just wanted to give you guys an update on what she looks like now. i was planning for a may 8th harvest which is one week from today, but im starting to think she wont be ready by then which would be a full 8 weeks of flower. i vegged her for 2 months from january to mid march. what do you guys think? still at least 2 weeks?


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i do. i have a 30x and a 60x
its hard to see the head of the trichomes clearly. if i had to guess id say most of them are now cloudy with some still clear. very sparsely i will see an amber head. i was planning on harvesting may the 8th which would be 8 full weeks of flower. shes been alive since mid january.
i guess ill check her on the 8th and most likely wait another week
hey guys just wanted to share an update. shes one week away from harvest now which will be 9 full weeks of flower preceded by 2 months of veg phase. shes looking pretty good for a bagseed of unknown origin. thanks for the help


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stilll havent harvested her! shes taking forever to ripen. we are beginning week 10 of flower. shes been alive since the beginning of january.
hey guys this plant is taking forever to ripen! im starting to think shes a sativa, its been 10 full weeks of flower now. still going strong. i've been looking at the trichomes everyday and they are now starting to be mostly cloudy on the top, but when i look at the nugs a little bit down the plant they are mostly clear still. do these nugs appear to be in favor of a sativa to you guys? they kinda look pointy at the top which makes me feel they are and also, they are not getting as swollen as i had expected. during the veg phase most of the fan leaves had 9 fingers. i'm going on vacation in 6 days for a week and i was planning on cutting her down to hang and dry while i was gone, but shes just not done ripening! i dont know what to do, shes not far away from being done but still i've come this far..


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so im back from my vacation and i had decided to cut and hang while i was gone. so i can tell by where i decided to hang under my bathroom sink that it was able to slow the drying process a bit, the buds don't smell like straight hay. however they are quite dry the stems didnt snap completely but they are dryer than i would prefer. so i cut off the main stems and have put in a mason jar to cure for the next month. any advice on how to restore some humidity? when i give the buds a light squeeze there is a slight pungent aroma that comes from the center i would like to try and maximize that.

here is a picture. i wish i could have taken better ones but my good phone with the solid camera has broken. but here you can see the bud structure is nice and they are dense. when i shine the light on them they are quite covered with thc. not bad for a bagseed grown in my closet with no climate control whatsoever . very minimal money went into this. final dry weight is 21.8 grams


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