Help needed


New Member
I don't know if it's time to crop.
it's about 1.5 months since i've put my plant into 12\12 flowering stage.
here's some pictures.

the best way to tell if a plant is ready to be harvested is to look at her trichomes, you want the heads to be a hazy- amber color. this is when plant is nice and ripe. a 75% amber to 15% milky 10% clear.

if your plants only been in flower for 1.5 months id imagine it has another 2-6 weeks depending on the strain.
Nim, what strains are you working with? Or is it bag seed? 1.5 months seems like what 6 weeks? Normally I think flowering goes on for 8-10 weeks sometimes a little longer depending on the strain you're working with. Do you have a scope to check out trichs? Need a little more info, friend.
Load your pics onto the forum properly. I clicked on your link and got some weird arabic crap......

I suggest you delete those links.

the advice was cool, but the arabic crap part was un needed, not to sound like a dick but you dont know what nationality this individual is. shit just isnt kosher.
ok. thanks friends for your replies.
i dont really know the strain because its from a bag seeds.
it's my first grow so i really dont know what to look for, I decided to buy a scope so i've drove to buy one. It was very easy to find one. but the real problem is that until I focus my scope it always move. maybe it's better to chop one flower and look?
Hey Nim,

QueenTokeLove said:
Normally I think flowering goes on for 8-10 weeks sometimes a little longer depending on the strain you're working with. Do you have a scope to check out trichs? Need a little more info, friend.

She's right. 8 weeks minimum is required for flowering, with many strains requiring 10 weeks or more.

Get a maginfying glass or small pocket microscope and check out the trichomes,

and read this:

By the way, the last two weeks of flowering (whenever that is) usually brings about a large increase in trichome development. You don't want to miss this by harvesting too early!
ok so thats the update.
my plant have atleast 1\2 brown hairs, but in the little scope I didn't see very good so i don't know what to do.
Cut a very small piece off one of the buds. Lay on a flat surface that doesn't move. Put scope over sample, check trichomes.
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