Help please, what should I do?


420 Member
Something has gone wrong for a week, what should I do?




Welcome Babavoss, she looks like she has a good start. Somethings up. Like EZ asked, what are you feeding and is it soil? Do you ph?
If you can't find fertilizer maybe you can find the book Jadam Organic Farming. Everything is in there I think. I haven't used the method yet. It's very much earth based and most people can. Things that you can source almost free, and collect in nature are used.
My best guess is Potassium deficiency and possibly over watering. Have you considered making your own fertilizer? Try allowing your soil to completely dry. Your pot will become very light. As soon as you notice leaves begin to wilt and droop then fully irrigate with water until you have about 20% runoff. Allowing enough water to runoff is very important. Many new growers get lazy and think they are just saving themselves work.

deficiency chart.png
1 irrigation in 3 days. I can't find fertilizer. because there is war in Ukraine. temperature °30

I'm with @EZCalyx, early signs of K deficiency. So sorry to hear about what's going on in your country, terrible things, wish you and your loved ones all the best. You could add wood ashes, they average about 0-1-3 for NKP, it's better than nothing. I do not know how much you should add, but on the net or in this forum, someone knows!
My best guess is Potassium deficiency and possibly over watering. Have you considered making your own fertilizer? Try allowing your soil to completely dry. Your pot will become very light. As soon as you notice leaves begin to wilt and droop then fully irrigate with water until you have about 20% runoff. Allowing enough water to runoff is very important. Many new growers get lazy and think they are just saving themselves work.

deficiency chart.png
Good chart to use along with the one that shows the basic signs of of the stages of a deficiency. . It brings in the Mobile and Immobile nutrients into the picture.
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