Help wanted ? please


Active Member
what are these problems/deficiency's
any help will be grateful
Mmm as ya growing in hydroponics which looks like a deep water culture system (DWC)

I would be inclined to check the PH of nutrient solution in the bucket as i believe it may be slightly off !

Due to the discolouring of the growing tips/new growth...
thanks fuzzy i was worrying about that coz i bought a digital ph reader and it needs calibrated but not sure how i have ph up and ph down crystal/powder if i put so much of ph up for say in a container with water should it read a certain ph
sorry for the questions just would hate to c her goto waste
thanks fuzzy i was worrying about that coz i bought a digital ph reader and it needs calibrated but not sure how i have ph up and ph down crystal/powder if i put so much of ph up for say in a container with water should it read a certain ph
also yea using dwc 5gal pot with 1 1.6l a min air pump
sorry for the questions just would hate to c her goto waste
thanks mate the problem seems to kp getting a little bit worse each day will look into some cal mag just waiting on some ph test strips in the post so i can calibrate my digital 1 i kind of went head over heels for this and didnot get as prepared as i thought i did everything was going well untill i changed my res but nothing has changed from how i first went about it during veg i had no problems as such only problem was lack of nutes to start with so had a little nitrogen deficency right at the start after i added some jungle juice grow that fixed the matter now i am in flower i have stopped using this and am using jungle juice bloom is their any alternatives to calmag in your everyday household ?
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