

New Member
Noticed these patches starting to discolorsome of my leaves wondering if this is a nutrient issue..the leaves feel a little dry any suggestions? And how can I fix?
How often are you watering?
What nutes? What strength?
What's the medium?
U use soil. Don't know much about soil, I'm a hydro man. I can give you a few suggestions. Do u have a moisture tester. If not u need to stick your finger down about half way and see how wet it is. I use a TDS meter to measure my food mixture. I really don't know if these are used with soil or not. I noticed a lot of white spots on the leaves. That kinda looks like a bug problem maybe. Get yourself a strong magnifying glass and look at the under side of the leaves. Spider mites will look white and the dun [ poop ] will be black. You should be able to see them.
I remember someone telling me about something about a leaf that looks like this. I forgot to write it down what they said it was, so I will look at some or my old posts and see if I can find it. That's about all I can tell you.
About the views and no response. It's happened to me before, I wouldn't sweat it. There is a lot of good advice on this site. Send me a response of some kind so I don't have to look it up later. Thanks
Thanks..I'm using vermisoil mixed with peralite ..feeding General organics line by General hydropponics...feeding 1 time a week usually about 1-2 plain water feedings between always wait until soil feels almostdry...was thinking maybe to much salts from ferts being that I just recently fed and have been using a dehumidifier..checked for spider mites and gnats didn't see anything..symptoms see more prevalent in the indica dom.
There's a possibility that it could be a rust fungus. What is your night time temp and humidity?
I'm kinda of interested in what rust fungus is. Would you please explain?


This is a pretty good explanation from racefan

rust explained.


rust, how many of you have had this and been beaten by it? lots i bet!!!
first, rust is a fungi. it is opportunist. it preys on unwell plants. if something is a miss, rust is a sign. rust has been identified to have 7,000 species. it attacks crops of every description. but we're only interested in one variety arn't we?
if rust is present early in a grow, you have problems as it's an indicator something in your room is a miss. usually ventilation. go through your system and double check things are in place and working properly.
rust is an air borne fungi. if given the opportunity, it WILL take hold. it usually does during flower as this is when the plants immune system is at its weakest as its energies are concentrating on re-production, not survival.
depending on what part of the grow you get it, you can cure/minimize it with either chemical or natural remedies.
it enters the leaf via the stomata and then it's off and running.
fungacides used are generally copper based and include; thriram, manzecob, maneb or zineb at 10 day intervills.
baking soda, 1 tea spoon/ quart of water. spray on.
copper sulphate, read lables.
fungacidal soap sprays;
garlic sprays, 1/2 cup minced garlic, 1 quart of water. let sit 24hrs, strain, spray.
sulphur, one of the best natural sprays. it is low in toxicity.
micro kill, a citric based killer. i use this with great success
From: Orange rust spots on older leaves: Pics Post #3
Night time temps had been a70-75 with th around 63 day temps had gotten up to 88 with 59-63% rh..nowadays with dehumidifier and ac running I amist 68-72 with 49-53%rh
U use soil. Don't know much about soil, I'm a hydro man. I can give you a few suggestions. Do u have a moisture tester. If not u need to stick your finger down about half way and see how wet it is. I use a TDS meter to measure my food mixture. I really don't know if these are used with soil or not. I noticed a lot of white spots on the leaves. That kinda looks like a bug problem maybe. Get yourself a strong magnifying glass and look at the under side of the leaves. Spider mites will look white and the dun [ poop ] will be black. You should be able to see them.
I remember someone telling me about something about a leaf that looks like this. I forgot to write it down what they said it was, so I will look at some or my old posts and see if I can find it. That's about all I can tell you.
About the views and no response. It's happened to me before, I wouldn't sweat it. There is a lot of good advice on this site. Send me a response of some kind so I don't have to look it up later. Thanks
ok so looked under the leaves and did find loike 6 spider mites. Did a foliar water spray with good pressure and washed tent with bleach water ..Will check back tevery day to make sure they are gone..could they be causing the darker discoloration as well?
..could they be causing the darker discoloration as well?

I don't think the brown discoloration is a direct result of spider mites.
The bleach water might help if it's rust.
Ok so I picked up some neem oil spray and says it has anti fungal in it as well cut off a few fan leaves with the mites on them andburnt them will update in two days
After spraying the neem oil spray ..I decided to defoliate any leaf I found a mite on to be sure no eggs had been left behind and also supercropped again to even the canopy height..this was on Sunday I have not seen a single mite and my girls are slooking healthy and unstressed
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