Heraldo's Breeding Journal

Differences getting more noticeable. Trying to keep everyone the same height.
Things are getting interesting.
Old school sweet seeds girls from the mix pack are flowering a lot faster than anyone else. Impossible to know what strains they are though.

One of the top tao girls looks promising. The other is just tiny and cute. If I had to guess, I'd say they're big tao and micron.

full tent

Can't really tell from the pic, but the male opened it's first flower. Leaf on the bottom right has pollen on it.

In the next few days I'll try to pollinate the red mimosa and the critical, since they're the only strains I 100% know I have more seeds of. Might give the big top tao girl a shot also.

here goes another run I'll probably forget to finish updating
8 unknowns from a top tao mix. at least 3 are males and 1 is maturing a lot faster than the rest.
3 randoms from a sweet seeds mix and 1 red mimosa xl from sweet seeds.

ended up with 7 females (front left is male. just haven't decided what to do with him)
male tent: doubting wether to use the guy that's pretty much ready to drop pollen. I've read that breeders discard the first males to flower because it can be an indication of bad genetics, but I don't know if it applies to autoflowers. he's a cute guy. some flowers are turning purple.
7 little ladies

Pollenated a few flowers today. Ended up using the backup male because my first pick hermied somehow. That theory about the first males to flower having bad genetics seems legit.o_O
Quick update. Ended up with a not great harvest but a bunch of seeds.
This time around I planted 8 of the seeds I got from my favorite female. She had the worst yield but best smell by far.
Also planted a dark devil, a red mimosa, a mandarine and a CBD strain as backup so to speak.
I'm using 12L pots, since the yield was so bad in the 7Ls.
Those last 4 "backups" already broke soil yesterday, but for whatever reason my seeds didn't germinate until today. I was worried they were duds.
Sadly, the seeds I made from the stinky girl don't autoflower. The ones I made from the red mimosa do, so it wasn't an absolute failure.

back left: red mimosa cross, back right: cbd victory, middle: dark devil, front left: red mimosa, front right: mandarine


Won't be able to make seeds this time around, since I didn't make any male autoflowers.
Next run will probably be similar but with mimosa crosses.
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