Hi from Missouri


New Member
Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself to everyone. I recently moved back to the KC area from Washington state and haven't been able to find any good smoke since I've been back. Although I am not, and have never been, a medicinal marijuana user. I was reintroduced to the plant after sever years of being away from it by a good friend that is a medicinal user. He talked me into trying it for pain I had from injuries sustained while in the military and it worked far better than anything any VA doctor prescribed. A few months ago I decided to start researching the plant and its effects and have been completely blown away over how many addictive drugs this natural plant can replace and without all the crazy side effects.

Anyhow, I will be floating around from time to time and always enjoy checking out the grow journals for innovative things you guys come up with. Maybe one day I will grow a little myself, especially if I cant find better quality than I already have.

:welcome:to the 420Mag Family. We are here to spread Cannabis Awareness across the globe. We provide the most comprehensive up to the minute Cannabis News worldwide, so you know all the facts. I will provide some links that will keep you well informed on late breaking news across the world. We also have Legal Medical Marijuana Gardens that will blow your mind. 420Mag has members from around the world who count on us, and the friendships forged here to get the truth about Cannabis.
Why not https://www.420magazine.com/community/ and tell us what you think? If there is anything we can assist you with just say the word. Have a great and safe time, see you on the boards.
Here you grow:
Medical Marijuana News - 420 Magazine
Medical Marijuana Facts and Information - 420 Magazine
Hemp News - 420 Magazine
Petitions & Initiatives - 420 Magazine
Plant and Bud Photos - 420 Magazine
Growers Forums - 420 Magazine
Deep Purple in DWC
Indoor Multiple Strain Perpetual- Sour D, Skunk Dog, Purple Nurple, Train Wreck
I love the forums and how they are maintained, I am a founding member of an online community and understand how much work it takes to keep things going or growing and can appreciate what you all have done and continue to do. Thanks for welcoming me into your world.

Keep it real!
Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself to everyone. I recently moved back to the KC area from Washington state and haven't been able to find any good smoke since I've been back. Although I am not, and have never been, a medicinal marijuana user. I was reintroduced to the plant after sever years of being away from it by a good friend that is a medicinal user. He talked me into trying it for pain I had from injuries sustained while in the military and it worked far better than anything any VA doctor prescribed. A few months ago I decided to start researching the plant and its effects and have been completely blown away over how many addictive drugs this natural plant can replace and without all the crazy side effects.

Anyhow, I will be floating around from time to time and always enjoy checking out the grow journals for innovative things you guys come up with. Maybe one day I will grow a little myself, especially if I cant find better quality than I already have.


That was a very interesting read. I myself am as much of a fanatic to grow, but have not done so due to possible family controversy. But I am glad that you received a positive experience, and I hope you continue to do so.

Thanks for your post!
- Christina
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