HigherDrifter's Outdoor Eldorado Grow


New Member

I was going to wait till next Febuary to start this journal.

I figured what the hey.

Get the preliminary stuff out of the way.

I'll be growing some "Eldorados".

It's supposed to be a landrace from the Oaxacan Region of Mexico.

Got the seeds from Single Seed Centre, 2 packs of 10 seeds. Came with like two freebie seeds (not really interested in them at all - if anyone wants my freebies...).


Soil - :hmmmm: that's a tough one. I'll just be using good ole fashioned dirt amended with some really good compost and mulch.

Nutes - Don't have a clue. Whatever's in the soil is in the soil. Plus, I've got a favorite fish based plant food nearby, just in case. Also, that dried Banana Peel tea that I fed my plants this year (for the budding cycle) worked really well, so I'll be using that too.

Lights - Only one grow light I can think of, especially since I'm doing it 'outdoors'...? That's a toughie.

I do plan on making my own potting soil again. I'll be using that along with the little peat pots I got from Wal-Mart for germinating the seeds, again.

Right now I'm just thinking about starting with germinating only 10 seeds. I'll maintain the 10(?) plants for a while, see how things develop, and bring the number of plants down further.

Got a lot of stuff to get done in the back yard between now and Febuary...

Gonna have to run the contents of my compost/mulch pit through the shredder before I till it into the soil.

I've got a big Bougainvillea plant I gotta trim down and then dig out, run through the shredder.

I'm sure to have a big pile of plant trimmings, and what not, to run through the shredder too.

Gotta a bunch of junk that needs to be hauled away. Should be able to schedule in a few "Free Drop-off Days" trips to the dump. Maybe even a few "Curb-side Pick-Ups"...who knows.

All kinda different stuff I gotta get done before Febuary.


Hope I can manange.

Was barely able to get what I needed done this year to be able to grow anything. A lot of different things developed this year that kept us from getting a lot of things done.

I'm not complainin' - I'm surprisingly content with how things turned out this year, despite all the set-backs. Next year I would just like things to go a little better, not rushed - more organized would definitely help too.

Won't be growing just Cannabis, Cukes, and Melons next year.

***Just thought I'd jot down some things to remind me of a few other things for my whole Eldorado Grow "journey" come next year***

*If I do decide to go with another water cure - make sure I do a full trim and manicure before sticking them in the water. Otherwise, as the buds dry after the water cure, they shrink and then compact quite a bit, and with the dried leaf in between it's rather difficult to trim any leaves without damaging the buds and trichomes.

* Do a more complete job of pruning, removing any small and weak "sucker" branches. Would help the other branches develop more and better buds. Helps to keep things kinda neat and orderly too.

* I don't need to grow that much weed - just for myself. If one of these Eldorado plants can yield me something like 500g (just over one pound) of harvested bud - one plant is all that I need, more or less.

*Two (female) plants might even be more practical, if in case something should happen to the other, I would be left short or empty handed...? That would suck. Yeah...2 females it is. Might even consider 3. I really dunno how much these things are gonna yield

*Will be selectively pollinating (along with the wild pollinating - can't do much about that) so I'll be keeping at least 1 male, maybe even 2.

*So, four, maybe five, plants total is pretty much all I would want to keep.

*I'll sprout ten seeds. If they all germinate I'll let them all grow and then select the "keepers" when the flowering cycle begins.


About all I can think of at the moment.

More to come...


I mean much later.

Just though of something else.

Had something of a problem with wild pollination this year. I've run into quite a number of seed so far, and I'm sure to run into more as I finish with this year's trim and manicure.

So, I've got this idea to drape No-see-um Mosquito netting over the females, and that it should significantly reduce the amount of wild pollen winding up on my females buds. I don't have any Cannabis pollen on me, nor do I have any of this No-see-um Mosquito netting to test things out; to see if the pollen will fall through the netting. I'm sure some of the pollen grains might pass through it. Dunno.
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I am reporting this for moving to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

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