How anonomos is my grow?


New Member
Hi guys just a quicky.
Maybe a moderator would be best suited to answer or maybe it's general knolage here just not to me

We all no that its not totally legal to be growing mj everywere in the world
In fact it's out and out illigel in some places like the uk for example
Wondering what level or anonymity is there in the 420 site?
For example...... Cheesy scenario I no...... A uk cop stops by my journal and reads somewere iv mentioned being in the uk. He goes to work and pops the link on the desk of someone who noes what there doing to track ppl down.

How easy could I be traced? Via IP address or however they do it or are they blocks in place here or something?
I'm a personal use grower nothing big scale just 2 plants minding my own business. I no the chances of the scenario are slim..... Curiosity more than paranoia lol

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