How often do you toke? poll

Re: How often do you toke? pol

Just on weekends for myself... with my poker boys or after the wife goes to sleep.
Re: How often do you toke? pol

I hear ya PokerShark.... my sister in law does just that...I treat my cronic depresion and anzity....I have meds for it but the herb keeps me mellow and and im not depresed anymore..... so I go through an ounce or better of bud in a month. I probly smoke to much but what the heck its better than living in a head ward.....
Re: How often do you toke? pol

:joint:I'm with you Oldgrowdude 1oz a month. Morning, noon, night... true stoner!! In fact that reminds me!! :roorrip:
Re: How often do you toke? pol

during the work week, i usually smoke up when i get home, unless I have to go do something, and then I smoke before bed. On the weekends, usually 2-3 times a day, sometimes more depending on whats going on that day.

Me and my girl only go through 1/4 every 2 weeks, so about half an ounce a month
Re: How often do you toke? pol

Um wow I think I have a problem I smoke in a work day a half oz on the week end oz a day from the time I wake to the time I sleep
Re: How often do you toke? pol

The only way I get away with smoking all day is because I am retired and have several health more work been that way fo 11 years.:grinjoint:
Re: How often do you toke? pol

Dude you are NOT old! You Just got high mileage :slide: :roorrip: ezmoney that is alot of pot smoking, hope you grow your own, Not making some dealer rich. Oz. a day? is that right?
Re: How often do you toke? pol

I don't know about you but I couden't go through even a half oz a day of the stuff I smoke. Makes you wonder about the kind or stright of the smoke u are inhaling!........If it's got 10% THC or more im zombed token every hour.....:grinjoint:
Re: How often do you toke? pol

okayy so iz it just me or am i like totally addicted
i dont smoke for any other reason than the sheer pleasure of it but me and my friend go through like a 1/2 oz a day and if im at work or anything then i'll smoke when im there too and i'll smoke in the house and come too think of it i cant remember the last time i sat a whole day without a joint
guyysssss your causing a reality check here
Re: How often do you toke? pol

Ha ha ill be growing my own soon I'm going to buy a new turbo flo with a new t5 light panel the bud I'm buying is horrible I role an 1/8 at a time but don't Really get high so I smoke a lot but if I got some bomb I only smoke a little over a 1/4
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