How often do you toke? poll

Re: How often do you toke? pol

Me and my two roommates go through only bout a half a month because here in New Orleans all we can find here is Dro it is almost impossible to find regular weed but hey it gets ya stoned so Im not complaining
Re: How often do you toke? pol

This summer none of my friends, nor myself, had a job...but what we did have was a ton of graduation money. I would estimate that we went through at least an ounce each week, sometimes more (Mostly regs, mind you, but damn did they do the trick). Nowadays, I usually take a few vapo-hits before class and a bowl or two before bed (I love Vapor Genies, I've been smoking off of the same eighth for the past couple weeks).
Re: How often do you toke? pol

Bit of a daily toker myself but it depends how much I have on my plate for the day. But rarely a day goes by without a little taste. Depression and anxiety run rampant in my blood family and they all medicate with pills. I seem to be the only member of the family with my head screwed on tight and my only medication is good green bud.

Re: How often do you toke? pol

I seem to be the only member of the family with my head screwed on tight and my only medication is good green bud.

now that says something, dosen't it?
Re: How often do you toke? pol

Im retired so I start my day with a joint of my favorite NL#5 Sativa cross and then a bong or 2 every hour or so I stay stoned....
Re: How often do you toke? pol

It really matters. Saturday and Sunday's in nice weather I hit the porch every couple of hours for 2-4 one hitters depending on the weed. During the working week,right before bed a depending on whether my back is acting up.
Re: How often do you toke? pol

I Smoke 1/4 of a pound a month

Wow, how do you manage to ever get anything done? I smoked close to a QP a month this summer, but they were usually all-day affairs.
Depends for me also, some days i spend all day sitting on the couch rolling blunts and watching tv. Oh and eating of course. But since im back in school, i medicate once before bed. Eases my mind and my hand pain. usually i can go through somewhere between 1/8 and 1/4 in a typical school week. But for special events like this past weekend we can go through an ounce in a day easy.
I know what that's like....I live at home because of health it's the tv or tending the girls.....but always with a bong or two......

Keep on token.........:ganjamon:
Monday thru Friday I work all day, so i just usually pack a bowl when i get home and it lasts me all night taking a couple hits here and there.

On the weekends I usually smoke a bit more because I get high about an hour after waking up.

Half oz last's me a month so about a cut a week give or take.
I'm on the gram/day plan. My smoke is above average, not perfect yet, and is delivered, 90% of the time thru a 21-inch, ice-cooled, perculated, 7mm thick glass bong/pipe.

Monthly is approximately 30grams - give or take a gram.

that sounds like a triple-tie-me-up, double-through-me-down piece of serious hardware....:rocker:
Re: How often do you toke? pol

I have mastered the art of being stoned in public. The only time i can't function is if i smoke an ounce in one day.:ganjamon:

Being stoned in public is easy. I'm talking about how do you ever manage to do anything that isn't smoking when you do a QP a month? Is that normal for you?
damn... i wish i could do that... that's awesome. a TRUE stoner. rock on dude. i bet ur awesome to be around! haha the other day my friend was like "damn, dude... ur SNAPPY AS HELL when you're not stoned! it's like ur fine while on pot, but get fucked up when u run out." lol
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