How to Bush


420 Member
I have had quite a few rounds of grows. They always get tall but do not have as many buds as I want to have compared to other pictures i have seen on the forum. Can someone tell me how I need to cut them and where to make them produce some more and larger buds. If you have already answered this in the forum if you can provide me a link that would be great !

Thanks Eddie
Hey Eddie,

Check out NugBucket's Mainline/Manifold method, Quadlining, and other methods of controlling plant growth. I use NugBucket's Mainline/Manifold method to get eight colas per plant, the Quad Squad gets many more.
Another way to get more colas per plant is to cut off the new growth at the top of any branch to encourage more shoots. Mainlining is an advanced technique. It looks wonderful. But if you want a bush, you have to top colas and train the plant to grow horizontally. There are some important caveats, though. I use a Scrog screen. Search here for the term “scrog.”
Also low stress training.
Topping & lsting will get u more bus sites and branches. It comes down to what’s growing autos or photos? Autos get topped very young, so given enough time to recover and prosper. Photos on the other hand take much longer in veg and flower so speed is not essential for them, I tend to top photos at the sixth node ( strong roots ) by then, and branch off after striping unwanted growth.
Top a plant watch new branches form. Then once they are long enough tie those down with flexible tie downs. Once those are tied down you can let the bottom branches catch up. Once they are so big put under a Trellis net.
Grow the plant first see how it reacts to being topped or fimmed. Watch how much the internodes stretch from veg throughout flower. Then incorporate the methods everyone told you after you learn the plant and you'll end up with a sea of nice colas.
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