I dropped my little vanila kush girl


New Member
like a terrible mother i dropped my girl

after the guilt trip here are some pics


day 0- the main branch couldn't stand on its own so i held it in place

day 1- she's standing by herself again but one of the two leaves is shrinking, possibly gonna die

question is
do i cut the possible dead leaf and let it regrow?
should i just not touch her and let restore by herself?
She'll probably bounce back, just wait n see.
I have 3 that are now flowering that my cat pulled clean outa their pots as 2 week old seedlings.
Found them laying on the back deck and just popped them back into their pots hoping for the best, just took them a couple of weeks to pick up from the shock so patience is important.
It's a pretty hardy plant that given half a chance, will always prevail, one of nature's finest gifts.
p.s what is it with fekin cats and mj..........?
these plants are very hardy and can take great abuse or mishaps.

the conditions in the cup,are a little moist, keep an eye on damping off, at this stage.
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