I like "like", do you like "like"?

I kinda like the "like" feature. I think it actually saves me time. Sometimes I check out the updates to someones journal and there are new posts that I "like" but don't feel compelled to comment on - so I "like" them. In the past I probably would have waited until I felt more compelled to post.

I mostly use them in situations where I really agree with a post or really like a picture. Sometimes someone says something that I agree with wholeheartedly, and couldn't say it any better -- "Like" in that instance.

It's quick, immediate feedback too. Anything that compels people to share more knowledge is good I think, and everyone appreciates kind feedback.

For the record - I appreciate "likes" a lot, but I don't plan on personally acknowledging them all. If someone takes the time to post - I almost always respond, but I don't see "likes" as a necessity to respond to - though I "love" getting them! :) :) :)

I'm curious what other people think...
i too like the new feature. with the web being as socially driven as it is now with all the facebook integration and such, it just flows with what everyones used to. Nice feature, thanks to the admins and mods who made it happen
i "like" the like...gee did i do that right?,,, i like the "like"... there, thats better...

i love this site,,, thanks to all that make it happen!
I am not quite sure if I like it...... to much like FB..... where's the dislike button?;)

Irie - you'll be drowning in "likes" with those beautiful ladies you grow. It's hard not to drool over your plant photos - I need a "love" or "jealous" button when viewing your plant pics. :) :yummy:

You nailed it 420% Xlr8! And I "like" that.

Thanks for the post


Nicely said, 52 - glad you liked it. It's a cool new element to the site and I was curious how other people thought. Sounds mostly positive so far!
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