I need help please

I need help please, I have 2 11 leaf plants! Is thus Good bad or indifferent? Also I keep failing on cloning. Any advice?
There are Many peeps that will give you Honest advice around @420! Pics speak a thousand words though! I personally have never had an 11 'leafer. Just a 9 'leafer for me:rollit:
Hi Kiki,

And welcome! :welcome:

Pictures would help identify what you are asking about.

Let's talk cloning. Describe your set-up and your process and maybe we can help you work it out. Cloning is very environment dependent, and there's lots of ways to clone, with or without machines, rooting hormones etc.
Well, I tried 3 times to send pics , it just isn’t working. Re: cloning, I found that I was only cutting the leaf , putting it in cloning gel and cloning pods, back into the tent & dead every time. So this time ( today) I cut stems with multiple leaves etc.. placed them in cloning gel, put them in my cloning pod & under my original grow light (as if starting a seed
Hi Kiki,

And welcome! :welcome:

Pictures would help identify what you are asking about.

Let's talk cloning. Describe your set-up and your process and maybe we can help you work it out. Cloning is very environment dependent, and there's lots of ways to clone, with or without machines, rooting hormones etc.
This is my 1st time growing
Well, I tried 3 times to send pics , it just isn’t working. Re: cloning, I found that I was only cutting the leaf , putting it in cloning gel and cloning pods, back into the tent & dead every time. So this time ( today) I cut stems with multiple leaves etc.. placed them in cloning gel, put them in my cloning pod & under my original grow light (as if starting a seed




With clones you'll want to get a piece of the stem with several (2-3 at least) nodes. While I've seen growers able to root a leaf, it is not easy.

So, take a side branch with several nodes, cut it from the plant, then remove the leaves from the lower node and make a diagonal cut just below the bottom node, maybe 1/4-1/2 inch. Scrape the stem, dip it in rooting powder or gel if you have it and then stick it in an inert media without any nutes or anything.

I like to cover my new clones for a few days with a dome to help hold humidity in while the cutting gets settled. Then after a couple of days I start weaning the cut out from under the dome. Once it can remain in the ambient air without wilting you can remove the done for good while you wait for roots. Plant the container on a seedling mat with gentle bottom heat if you have one.
The last pic is my last & final attempt to clone
Ok, they look a little wilty which is totally normal since you just cut off their water supply. Even a large plastic bag around them will help. And you can get the humidity up around the clones by misting the inside of the bag/dome. Just don't mist the leaves themselves as that can invite mold and fungus that will hurt your chances. And try to hold the bag off of the leaves if you can with chopsticks or a coat hanger or something.
Looks like you're off to a pretty good start.

A great way to learn is to start a grow journal and put a link to it in your signature. You'll attract lots of helpful (and sometimes contradictory) advice, from the many friendly growers who frequent these pages.

It's helpful to list what your media is (soil, coco, etc) what you are using for nutrients and whatever else you think might be helpful.
The clone on the left has alternating nodes, not ideal as it was probably taken higher up the plant and trying to flower rather than veg - atrophine dominance or something - a vague memory from Ed's Grow Bible
The one on the right has opposite nodes which is ideal, and you can see it is doing better
They were all from the bottom I light stressed the plants last week to open the canopy. But like I said earlier, I was only clipping a leaf and trying to clone that
They were all from the bottom I light stressed the plants last week to open the canopy. But like I said earlier, I was only clipping a leaf and trying to clone that
Describe what you did to light stress them. Generally clones root best from happy, healthy plants.
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