

New Member
Greetings beautiful people. I'm the Mystic. Looking forward to reading interesting posts and exchanging ideas.
Hello Mystic and welcome to 420 Magazine. We're glad you're here.

Our site is loaded with information on just about anything cannabis related that you can imagine. Whether it's international news, political activism, information on the plant itself, or just chatting with others of like mind.

If you have any questions, or need help with specific things like researching certain bits of information, or for that matter just navigating the site, feel free to PM me or any of the Hospitality Team members. That's what we're here for.

Here's one for you. :rollit:
RE: Re:
High Mystic:
Welcome to the greatest room you will ever enter.
People here make this site so good.
Here you will find everything from A toooo Z.
I can be so down and depressed ,I want to sleep.
But,I fire one up and sit down here with these guys ,
and with in minutes I am transformed,magically.
They have advice and help for us here and believe me ,
I can use all they give me.
Some days I just get on and stay,
quietly searching for the scholars that are on this site
they have no I dea how much they all help my mood swings.
I would like to thank them all now,
I can't remember all the names but it dosen't matter,
they are here.
So Welcom Mystic
God Bless,
have a great day a
better one tomorrow.
I would be thrilled to be on your friends list.
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