Is MJ a "gateway" drug


New Member
I dont think marijuana is a gateway drug because im able to stop when i want and i dont feel the need to do different drugs.

im open about this any1 else ideas

I don't subscribe to the whole cannabis as gateway theory.

If we could buy it at the "drug store" this contact with dealers, where harder substances are sometimes available, would no longer be necessary.

Check out this link my friend...
The Myth of Marijuana's Gateway Effect
I don't feel that MJ is a "gateway drug" at all! I've been smoking for many years myself, and have never had the urge to switch to anything else.
Gateway is bollocks,, its "cross contact" buying weed from dealers that sell other drugs, every time you buy weed there's the chance to get other things.

Here in Spain they have decriminalised home growing for exactly this reason,, grow at home, dont go out to dealers, dont get the "cross contact"

I'm not saying its 100% effective but it's working,, and its nice to be able to grow at home!!

There's about 10% of the population that just has an addictive personality. Meaning if they do something that feels good, they have to have more, whether it be weed or other drugs or sex or stealing or lying, it doesn't matter.
Cannabis isn't a gateway to anything but health and enlightenment. The popular liquid and legally sanctioned drug, though, is a gateway to more harmful things. Cannabis in fact can provide an avenue of escape from dangerous drugs.
From personal experience Alcohol was in deed my gateway drug in 1969. The guys wouldn't let me burn until summer of 1970. It is that age old rhetoric and hype-hysteria of the late 30's of "reefer madness" that unfortunately still exists in parts of our culture.
The Cannabis Prohibition act sure messed a lot up.
We all can help by accurately stating facts and educating others to dispell that old eternal Myth of Cannabis being a "Gateway Drug". It is not the herb that transforms human decision but rather the choices an individual makes. We do have choices.
Nah I don't think it's a gateway drug at all I know heaps of pot smokers that don't touch any other drugs.
It wasn't with me.

Weed is cheaper, and doesn't give you one of those horrid hangovers like other shit does.

I hate how they say weed is a gateway drug. Well then so is alcohol and tobacco. Don't compare something that grows in the forest to something produced in a hidden double trailer that's parked deep in the woods.
i hate the word gate way its so stupid, who's to say that weed is a gate way drug, what about all the people who started smoking cigarettes, or drinking coffee, or drinking cough syrup at a young age, that's all diff types of drugs, and they all stimulate the body in different ways, i think that is considered a gateway, they advertise things for you to use to make your body feel better, how are we not suppose to be curios what other medicine will make us feel like, its human nature. also who's to say some one is going to even try weed and goes right to c**e or h**oin? doesn't that cancel out the gate way all together??? i think its bs and also i know so many people who just stick to green and mushies!!! fuck the haters!!!
Naw, if anything it discourages me from drinking alcohol...
I dont think marijuana is a gateway drug because im able to stop when i want and i dont feel the need to do different drugs.

im open about this any1 else ideas

thats well put in that sense you are corrent but u forgot and this is proven that ''''sick picks sick''' so some who are weak and or dont care going thru social slumps and or changing lifestyles and or are involved with loved and or known as friends who are also known for having qualitys or traits alongside with other drugs

puts one who is either weak lonly and or seeking attention also sometimes to over think and may end up doing somthing else they would not have ussaly

like say if i didnt smoke i doubt i would have known any one who would have asked me down the line if i wanted to take some mushrooms and if i had i would mos tlikly proudly decline or at least be weary and thus be enough for me not to care to do it

but if i smoke and get hi and become more neutral about other drugs and weed is a commen drug as classifyed by some governments then i would then likley know some other weed smoker person who has done somthing other then the norm and thus saying that weed is normal and some people so choose to smoke and enjoy it some other like to smoke in fact but do not enjoy the way they feel afterwords and or can not handle themselves

and some cant handle themselves and should maybe smoke less

so to me the answer is yes and no that smoking weed and being around people only might affect u if ur a social smoker and maybe if u only do it for rec- then yes it could lead to other drugs but thats like saying if you know some people who are h**oin addicts does that mean ur gunna be doing it

maybe... it just depends on who u hang out with and who you know and who you surround urself with i dont think weed is a gate way drug i think weed is so commen that u could just about blame anything u want on it couldnt u but theres always somthign to prove that wrong like ohh hes lazy thats cuz he smokes weed- well not for everyone i know ppl who are workaholics and who smoke so that wrong .... its just how ppl are u have to be more savvy and if you are weak then yes you prolly will do all the darn drugs in the book b4 you learn somthin

AND I JUST SMOKED SOME OF THE BEST SHIZZLE I EVER GOTTEN BEFORE SO BOOYAA -- :slide::roorrip::smokin::cool::bong::grinjoint::cheer:
I gave a speech on this in my criminal justice course my freshman year of college.

It's not the marijuana that is the gateway, it's being on the "black market." If you are exposed to things that you can easily get when you go pick up, some people may be tempted to try other things. If we can get MJ off the black market, violla! MJ users won't be exposed to the other horrible, harmful drugs available and shoved in their face when they pick up a bag.

Speaking from experience, I've tried a LOT of other drugs. I went through a phase where I would do anything I could get my hands on. And getting my hands on anything I could think of was as easy as one phone call to my pot dealer. I was sick all the time, I was a zombie, I was broke, I was mean, nasty, and hateful. I distanced myself from everyone who cared about me and lost a lot of great lifelong friends. I finally decided it was time to kick all the shit and get my life back. I can proudly say that I now ONLY smoke pot - and I very rarely have a drink. When I go to parties, and someone offers me a drink, 90% of the time I say no thanks, I'll go outside and have a toke. Want to join me? No hangover, no overdose, no mean and nasty me. Just a happy go lucky friendly fun safe and healthy me. :D
There's so much to say on this issue, I think it's only logical to say yes. Yes it is A gateway drug, not THE gateway drug. Certianly people out there hve moved from sensi to something harder, but that's true of all drugs, at the end of the day we have to self analyze, why do we use? What do we want to accomplish? Marijauna allows me to function and remain active, eases my anxiety which helps me meditate. Others misuse this sacrament and it is the mentality of getting wasted above all else, those smokers have the propencity to move up the ladder. All drugs can be a gateway, but we all choose our paths, which includes which gates we will or won't open
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