is my romulan turning hermie?


New Member
i bought 2 clones 1 romulan and 1 sour diesel and a friend of mine told me he thinks the romulan is turning hermie cuz of these football shaped things n the nodes and becuz the sd doesnt look the same really! can sum1 tell me if hes right sorry bout the pics best i could do:hmmmm:
its really hard to tell in those pics.. are there any white hairs coming from the center of the bulges? If so they're just swollen calyxes. I've noticed the better quality strain you grow, the fatter the preflowers appear, and at times they can sort of look like male flowers.
need pictures that are in focus. try using manual focus or macro settings if available.
I am not a photographer but do grow and it sounds like your friend is a little jealous. Plants turn herm under stressful or manufactured conditions, and if they do turn let them go you will have feminized seed of Sour Diesel and Romulan. Both are seeds to covet as the Rom is "clone only" and the SD is exspensive to buy seed for. I would love two herm's of those strains just to make seed with, but do not worry I would bet they are OK. Please keep us posted.

After looking over the photos again, my best guess is NOT Herm! :goodluck:
I am not a photographer but do grow and it sounds like your friend is a little jealous. Plants turn herm under stressful or manufactured conditions, and if they do turn let them go you will have feminized seed of Sour Diesel and Romulan. Both are seeds to covet as the Rom is "clone only" and the SD is exspensive to buy seed for. I would love two herm's of those strains just to make seed with, but do not worry I would bet they are OK. Please keep us posted.

After looking over the photos again, my best guess is NOT Herm! :goodluck:

I agree with you to a certain point. Plants that turn herm under manufactured conditions are how breeders make fem seeds. They dont just select any plant though. It takes a while of growing a single strain to know if it is a strong phenotype. Once selected it is either light stressed or colloidal silver is used to produce the herm characteristic.

The process takes so long because you have to weed out the weak and keep the strongest. You dont want to pick a plant that has a natural tendency to herm because then the gene is dominant and passed along. Dominant genes are often passed on through every generation, though it does not always appear. Chances are that it will occur more often then not and then you end what with plants like in these *maybe****(to hard to tell from pics, I doubt it though). A strong healthy plant turns hermie under normal conditions because the gene was passed on from a weak pheno that had a natural dominant hermie characteristic.

All Im saying is not all hermies are good unless you induced it under controlled and monitored conditions. Other wise you will be carrying on a dominant gene. Sure all they seeds may be female but odds are each off spring will hermie under normal growing conditions.

Im pretty sure it is not fully understood why MMJ hermies but some believe it is a plants last mechanism of survival to reproduce.
Looks ok and LED FREAK is correct but wtf it's all good when it's Rom and Sour D. I would not throw the plants out if they are Hermed because you are outside and they seem to be the only two plants you have so seeding the others is not a risk. Whatever happens the bud will be great so keep on keepin on!
Looks ok and LED FREAK is correct but wtf it's all good when it's Rom and Sour D. I would not throw the plants out if they are Hermed because you are outside and they seem to be the only two plants you have so seeding the others is not a risk. Whatever happens the bud will be great so keep on keepin on!

Good point, I forgot he was only growing two plants. Just smoked a fatty and got onto :bong:
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