Is my seed dead?

My soil is a potting mix of perlite, sphagnum pear moss and humus. It seemed good but went weird looking (chunky kind of) when I watered it. Is it possible I drowned it if it’s still a seed?
If the seed germinated then the new sprout could drown if enough oxygen does not get to the new root. If the seed did not sprout yet then to much water can cause it to rot as several have mentioned.

The number one problem when planting seeds does seem to be a tendency for most of us to plant them to deep. Rule of thumb I came across a long time ago was to plant the seed at a depth of about 4 times its size. So, about an 1/8th inch. Up to 1/4 inch since the seed has stored energy to get the cotyledons up to the surface but certainly not enough to push up an inch.

Seeds that have sprouted and developed the tap root and have started the stem, well, I don't know about those since I do not germinate/sprout seeds in a paper towel.
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