Is there any smell when drying buds in a cardboard box?

Talk to someone, I think last fall, bought drying in a van. Was that you?

Yeah that was me.

As temp goes up, RH goes down and the other way around. RH goes up at night when temps drop. Inside a box would stay warmer at night ie, lower RH.
There is no magic number that 100% guaranties success or failure. Closer you get to an ideal environment the greater the odds of success. Heat and light can evaporate cannabinoids and terpenes. Damp stagnant air can promote mold. 75RH at 75deg with no direct light I would still say a good 90% chance of success. Any more heat or moisture and the odds drop fast.

Another reason for me not to dry in the van is it gets really hot inside the van during the day.

I've currently got the buds in paper bags outside in a open cardboard box. I'll see how this goes.
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