Joe Biden Coined The Term “Drug Czar”, Wrote Laws Banning Drug Paraphenilia

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
It turns out that Obama’s new running mate is one of the leading crusaders in the war on drugs. Which isn’t something that’s likely to sit well with Obama’s base of young, college-aged supporters

Earlier this week, in an interview with the Washington Post, Tommy Chong was asked what the average citizen can do to further the cause of decriminalization. “Check out the people you’re voting for,” Chong replied. “For instance, Joseph Biden comes off as a liberal Democrat, but he’s the one who authored the bill that put me in jail. He wrote the law against shipping drug paraphernalia through the mail - which could be anything from a pipe to a clip or cigarette papers.”

Barack Obama’s V.P. selection Sen. Joe Biden also spnsored the Rave Act, which targets music events where drug use is allegedly prevalent.

About medical marijauna, Biden has said: “We have not devoted nearly enough science or time to deal with the pain management and chronic pain management that exists. There’s got to be a better answer than marijuana.”

Biden coined the term “drug czar” and has championed the Office for National Drug Control Policy.

If there’s anything in this country that needs the vaguely-invoked “change” Obama is always on about it’s the war on drugs (it costs us a hell of a lot more than Iraq does annually). America suffers from one of the highest per-capita incarceration rates in the world (yes, we’re worse than China) and a majority of those incarcerations are tied to drug arrests. We spend billions upon billions on fighting the prohibition of marijuana and other drugs, and to what end? Drug use, particularly marijuana use, isn’t declining

Meanwhile, politicians like Biden keep upping the ante in the “war on drugs.” They come up with harsher punishments to inflate our already too-large prison populations, and new ways to invade our privacy and curtail our freedoms for the sake of making even more arrests

Given that, is this really the guy Barack “Hope & Change” Obama wants on his ticket?

News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: KXNet
Copyright: 2008 Midkota Media Network
Contact: KXMC
Website: Joe Biden Coined The Term “Drug Czar”, Wrote Laws Banning Drug Paraphenilia
hope for open scheduling hearings with open testimony

once the conservatives realize its a great voluntary tax source and cash cow they might go along with legal regulated MJ
The "war on drugs" will never be won by american politicians (and I say American Politicians as they dictate to the rest of the civilised world (no offence)) as we as an army will never surrender, just need more people to stand up and be heard :rollit:
It's like the cartoon said: you're just choosing between a douche bag and a turd sandwich. No politician in his right mind would support marijuana legislation in any way other than to further erode Americans' rights. I love the optimism that this site has, though, even if I find it a bit naive. The drug war is just a civil rights attack in the form of justice. That's as it always has been. Prisoners from the drug war are no different from political prisoners in China. Americans come down on China for Tibet, but love to put pot smoking hippies in prisons.
I love the optimism that this site has, though, even if I find it a bit naive.
naive :hmmmm:
you see our rights has half gone. i see them as half there :cool:
the laws have already changed in 11 states. so there is some hope. ya gotta have hope.

the way i see it is that there is really only one struggle. the struggle for individual freedom. cannabis freedom is one part of the struggle. we're just chipping away at that mountain of b.s.
I'll never vote for either of the big two. When enough of us vote for 3rd or 4th party candidates, the election process might open up to open minds.
Pot as a taxable item is bullshit. For me, it wasn't that long ago that in a supermarket, we had to sign for and identify ourselves to buy over a pound of sugar,due to moonshinning. Outlaw farming will be with us either way. For the end user to say just screw the producer ain't right in my book.
Re: Joe Biden Coined The Term "Drug Czar", Wrote Laws Banning Drug Paraphenilia

"you see our rights has half gone. i see them as half there"

I like the way you coined that. However, with all the official hoopla that the US throws at China's Tibetan movement, I'm shocked to find how lax many folks are about throwing hippies into jail. Can someone tell me the difference, please? Peace loving political prisoners is what both groups are. I just figure nations ought to clean up their own evil politics before pointing at others. I guess it's just a way of distracting the population. Despite having a population of about 1/4 that of China, the US imprisons more. Ironic.

I told some Mormons that putting folks in jail for marijuana is the same as putting someone in jail for reading the book of Mormon. He said, 'It's about religious freedom!' So what's this idea that we must protect the rights of those who induce mood altering philosophies and hallucinations via fasting as opposed to folks who like a little green haze?

Anyways, 11 states have softened laws, but it doesn't affect federal powers. Heck, the cops are likely furious and hotter than ever to bust the hippies.

Maybe we're half way there, in either direction. Nonetheless, I still haven't smoked anything for 18 months. However, whenever I walk to work I can smell a grow room - if only I could locate precisely where it was, surely I could talk them into selling a few grams to me.
Not all hippies look like hippies or associate with them. Myself, for instance... I shave my head every 3-4 months (it's cheaper than a haircut every month plus all the shampoo and fuss). I don't go to any hippy functions. But I subscribe to Tree Hugger and 420 off of myYahoo. Deep down I figure I'm a hippy. I like the environment. I like nature. But since my early 20s I've pretty much left all that in the dust along with all hitchhiking adventures and Rainbow gathering. Maybe when I mature a little I'll go back to those carefree days.

In any case, you're right that not all hippies are pot smokers (which was the other thing you were going to say but forgot).

Anyways, I'm an English teacher. I can't look like a pot-smoking-hippy any more. The world isn't that free. I teach young kids - not college kids (I think they might be able to get away with it). Then again, maybe I could teach hippy parents' kids. I figure the same goes for doctors. How many hippy doctors are there, hiding in their white smocks. A lot of folks might even be hippies without knowing it. They're wearing their hippy genes, but they're still trying to keep them their natural dispositions from the world and themselves. If, by some miracle, they expose themselves to their families who might not be hippy friendly, they get disowned and blanketed with black, curly wool. So, it's hard to show off those hippy genes.

Fortunately, I was one of those fortunate enough to be dropped in a massive bowl of * in a room solid with the smoke of our sacred herb. So, toking a blunt merely adds to my permanent stone.
Re: Joe Biden Coined The Term "Drug Czar", Wrote Laws Banning Drug Paraphenilia

i couldn't agree more but . . .
not all pot smokers are hippies. pot smokers are a cross section of society. i'm not even sure what hippie means anymore, but i resemble that statement :cool:

me too, resemble it
I prefer HillBilly :cheesygrinsmiley:

In any case, you're right that not all hippies are pot smokers (which was the other thing you were going to say but forgot).

Once you get to 60-70% of the public its a "Melting Pot"
I guess Bob Barr is not so bad after all to vote for.
CUMON YOU KNOW A 3RD OR 4TH PARTY IS NOT GOING TO WIN DO YOU WANT MCCAIN OR OBAMA. Im still voting obama. i met two ladies today in thier 60's that need thier meds for pain and a 26 yr old with terminal colon cancer. They are not hippies or stoners just regular ordinary people that need some help with pain and suffering and guess what helps more than anything else. Thats right. the maryjane
Re: Joe Biden Coined The Term "Drug Czar", Wrote Laws Banning Drug Paraphenilia

Yep...Barrack screwed the pooch on this one. Dammit.:thedoubletake:

I think the candidate of change just showed us his top priority is to get elected regardless of what he has to say or who he has to partner with.

Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope, (Aristotle 200 BC)

Biden was a senator when Nixon was in office and has been anti-pot ever since the Schafer commission first recommeded to Nixon that it be decriminalized.

I've got to vote my conscious and Barr is looking least worst at this point
I supported Obama and still do we cannot afford to let McCain in the white house he is a corporate follower and would add to the War on US. It may be just a case of lesser of two evils Barack offers some help he will back feds off states now legal. Keep up the fight!!
I agree with Bob Barr the most so should I vote for someone who I truely believe in or the lesser of 2 evils? no Its very unlikely he will win I know and its sad but should I just not vote at all then. I know I dont want mcain in there that would just be lame and more of the same old shit.
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