Kara's Bible - Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

Try frozen water bottles in your buckets

Get a bunch of plastic bottles and either as said above freeze them full of water put em in your buckets, or put one at a time in your res, you'll have a little better control as to how fast the temp drops. I try to keep my res temps below 70, lower is better if only to keep diseases and algae and all that at bay, but lower temps mean more o2 in the water. I have an 8 gallon res and if I want to drop the temp more than 3 degrees F I use a 2 liter bottle, any less than that I use one 20 oz at a time until I get it where I want. Usually if I get it under control before lights out its good for most of the day if not all day and into the next, I just have to get it in check again before the end of that 2nd day but I also keep my room temps around 70-73 so below 70 isnt such a stretch for me.

And then do as said below when you can afford it but I would get crackin on getting those temps down one way or another asap if you have plants growing presently....

If you have the money, buy a chiller
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

Thanks guys! My problem is I have buckets. Set up is identical to karas. I'm not sure how I would plumb a chiller in. the water bottles could work I guess, but seeing I have 12 buckets, freezing 24 bottles each day seems like a pita. I've ben reading till my eyes hurt trying to come up with something that might get me through this grow. I found alot of info on h2o2 and it seems like a good fix, atleast for any root rot issues. Theres a ton of opinions on this stuff most of which people swear by it, others are a bit more skeptical. Do any of you think I can get by using h2o2 with 74 degree water temps? I didn't see a chiller on karas grow and her plants looked amazing at last sight! Thanks again on the feed back, I really do appreciate it!
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

I also have huge air pumps and plenty of bubbly action. So the O2 is there, just a lil warm.
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

Do you have a journal of your own? If so point us over to that and we'll get your questions answered there, but for now lets try to get you hooked up.

As long as you have good bubbles going on, a small air gap (gap between the solution and your lid) which you should try to keep as small as possible. As far as H2o2, if you have actual H2o2, use as label tells you. With regular 3% peroxide which is fine, use no more than 0.5oz per gallon and MAKE SURE you let it cool down for 24 hours before putting it in your systems, if you are in a rush you can go a little sooner but I would really not recommend exposing your plants to it in any less than 16-18 hours. I usually take a 2 gallon bucket, add however many ounces of peroxide I am going to use (this goes for H202 also with the waiting 24 hours) for my res and fill the rest of the 2 gallon bucket with my RO water and store it in a cool/dark place for my next res change.

I know you can use hygrozyme and those sort of products with low concentrations of H2o2 or peroxide but I avoid them myself right now, if I had an organic grow going on I would probably use it but I dont (even though I have a bottle of hygrozyme unopened just chillin) so my bottle of it will stay there unopened.

Also, I would just do what you could to get those temps down dude. Maybe get 12 small tubs that your buckets fit in and empty your ice maker out everyday or buy a couple bags of ice a day and fill the tubs so the bottom couple inches are in the ice???? I dont know man.... thats going to start costing some loot if you cant produce that amount of ice a day. The other thing to do is to start dropping your room temps best you can, I would honestly deal with lower room temps in the 60's than 78 degree root/res temps. Bad things happen with heat and water and light, basically everything those little bastard pests/diseases need to come alive and make your plants more dead. Also lower res temps = higher o2, I know you said its all good and you have air pumps but I dont think too much o2 can be attained, atleast I havent killed any of my plants due to having to much o2 in the res, probably is possible though.

Seriously though, why dont you get yourself a journal going on, if you do have one post a link and post some pics of your setup, its a lot easier to make suggestions when what needs answering can be seen. I am a newb myself but I'll try my best to help you out. You'll notice not everyone will answer but if a wrong answer is put forth, watch how fast people jump on it. (not saying 420mag. peeps are lazy or something but sometimes you'll be post and wait for awhile to get an answer, the second a shitty answer gets posted 60 people jump on it....)

Edit: yeah dude I was just looking at karas setup, its so big that I dont know what part you are talking about so get a journal going and get us some pics and we'll be able to help better.
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

I was thinking of doing a journal. Just a lil sketched about posting pics. Not sure if that can be tracked at all? I guess I'm going to try the water bottles trick, and try and lower room temps for now. I like the tray idea, but that won't work due to all my buckets being connected underneith for filling and draining ease.

I'm new to hydro myself. Long time soil farmer. I know what ya mean about some of these forums. Hell ill take any opinions thrown at me. About all I can expect with sucha low post count:)

I am using 29% h2o2.
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

As long as you remove the data from your pics and host them (upload) on 420mag.com you'll be ok. If you dont know how to remove the info let me know and I'll show you how, very easy. As far as being tracked theres just too many of use but I'd neglect to brag about being illegal or whatever, however I dont think we'd care much, just if they were watching they'd more than likely go after those peeps first.... Also keep your location to yourself aside from a general area if anything, eastern or western hemisphere will work......

As far as the H2o2, I havent used it yet. I havent been able to get it locally and regular peroxide was enough to get me through what I needed it for, now I add maybe a 1/4 oz. per gallon of H2O in my res.

I've been growing both hydro and soil, I had some good luck in the beginning with the hydro but that ran out after about 2 weeks from sprout, had pythium (root rot) and just loads of headaches. One of my plants is 24-26 inches tall, my hydro plants are about 6 inches tall after all that. They are literally as of last week just starting to go in the right direction finally.

The water bottle trick is decent, I am only using an 10 gallon res and my plants are growing in that so the bottles work good for me, they even worked well with a 27 gallon container with a bunch of net pots in it. But that needed 2 liter bottles though. What are your room temps by the way? I usually never run mine above 72-73 if I can help it, I actually have to work to keep it that high, I can easily go hotter but it takes a lot of juice to go hotter than that in my room (9 or 10 foot ceilings) so between 70-73/4 works for me.
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

Ok, I'll get a journal going tomorrow evening. It will def be nice to get some advice. As far as room temp I'm sitting around 74, a/c on 70. Thats soon going to change! I'm freezing my ass off in the rest of house. Craigslist has my 8k btu window shaker for 40$ which will help ALOT for my 10 x 11 room which houses the grow room inside it via false wall. I'm going to do the water bottle trick for now until I can bring the temps down this weekend. I have 6 in veg about 12 to 18" tall, so I'm running out of time. There all in 3.5 gal buckets till flower then they go in 5 gal. Will the cold bottles hurt the roots if they lay against them?
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

Again I am in no way hi jacking karas thread. It has just really inspired me from the beginning. Hopefully I get all the bugs worked out b/c the simplicity of this system is great!
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

I've seen chillers that are very easy to pipe in, I havnt used one, but I was at the hydro shop today and took a quick look. One had a digital # readout, so I imagine you just set it to whatever temp you want. All it had was two hose connections, seems simple enough, just pipe it in next to your res so it runs through the chiller. It would be easier if I could see your setup though. Hope this helps
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

Thanks Pharmer! I'll have my set up posted soon. But in short if you look at karas set up mine is identical except 6 bucket for veg and 6 for flower instead of 8. My buckets are my res until I need to change nutes. Then I drain the buckets with a valve, when done i open another for my 18gal res that has my fresh nutes mixed in it and fill the buckets again.

Hopefully when I get my own journal going, and get off karas we will be able to come up with a good remedy:)
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

Wow!!!! This is hands down the most ideal set up I have ever seen, I mean every aspect is the shit! Clean, efficient, and turning plants around like clockwork. I hope that by gaining experience through my current grow and the next few, that I can plan and build a grow even remotely as functional as yours is. I really know how you felt, with having back asswards routines of filling buckets, hauling back and forth, and disappointing results with the schedules I use, you got me rethinking nutes, medium, everything! Thanks for posting this bible, extremely appropriate name. Hope all is well for you, I just caught up and see your out for a few but I'm subscribing anyway, I can't wait to see the kush and hazes :):nicethread::reading420magazine:

Peace Kara!
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

I wish I knew! This was getting soooooo good! I wanna see the harvest of those full grown ladies! Please Kara tell me you didn't have un invited guests!

I know, for sure! This all seems so weird....Now you see her now you don't, huh? I'm getting a little worried...This is a perfect educational thread and now it has gone into the twilight...We want more Kara!!!:bravo::bravo::bravo:
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

We understand that he doesnt have a res but how hard would it be to plumb in a control bucket and make that the res. However, you loose the good part of a single bucket system, it is its own ecosystem with no other plants to contaminate each other.

The bucket in the bucket with ice is a good idea though.... I didnt think of that one....

Has anyone PMed kara?
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

They are in buckets, but they all share the same water, this is definately possible.
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

Undercurrent DWC Grow Journal
Check out Farmer.Eds set up, its an Undercurrent system, same idea. He uses a swiming pool chiller on his. I know chillers can be expencive, thats a different issue, but it is definately possible.
Re: Kara's Bible: Hybrid DIY Recirculating DWC System - Master Kush Grow

That may not be the best example to show you how to do it, but it can be done. I'll look around for another, but I'm pretty sure you can just consider the chiller another unit off of the res, there a pipe for water in, and a pipe for the chilled water to come out. I think, correct me if I'm wrong, but it shouldn't affect the water level of the buckets as long as it's not above the buckets.
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