Large hermie plant... continue flowering?


New Member
I'm just going to copy this from my grow journal.
Nobody answered the question on that thread.

Day 72

It is 11 Days into Flowering.
It is 12 inches taller.

Arggg! Says the Pirate!
One branch has 3 pistils at one of the nodes.
ALL THE REST seem to have boy balls.
It's been 3 days since I first saw the pistils and balls.
All looks the same, just slightly larger balls.
And yes, I sat for 2 hours inspecting every single node on the plant.
Update to grow journal
The tops/colas are producing pistils as well.
But still only one side branch with them.

What I want to ask is, can I sit and pick all the balls off every day and end up with some bud, or am I just jerking myself off and wasting space under my flowering light? Is it normal to have a hermie with so many male parts?

This is the biggest plant by far. I would hate to lose it, since it would be half my crop if it was female. I've read that all hermies are considered females. Will all my clones actually be female? Even though the mother is mostly father? *cry*
Picture won't tell you much, but people always ask, so here she is.
Hi there. I can't answer much for you, but I have had my attention drawn to a product called reverse. I am currently chasing down an equivalent product in my area as its not available here, but most hydro stores will stock something along these lines I would assume. As the name suggests, this stuff will stop your plant producing seeds, not sure about actually reversing the male parts, but it should let you salvage some of your crop. Now, you may have to apply this stuff at a certain time through the cycle, so I can't say if you will catch her/him in time. Seems like good stuff to have around though.

I recently had 2 of 4 plants go mildly hermi on me at about half way through flowering. If I had this stuff I assume I would have seedless smoke. But feminised (and hermi prone) seeds are not something I can complain too much about, seeing as its mostly in the lower popcorn/new shoot branches.

Hope you can swing something from the poor confused girl at least. I'm sure others will have a better idea about the ratio of male to female parts, etc. I haven't even tested reverse or similar products its worth making clear.
the pollen sacks will pollenate any other plants you have near them.
its a male and a female full of seed and low yeild. get rid of them.:peace:
if you have other plants, chop chop chop!!!
Well, I waited around too long for an answer.
Although I did not see any male flowers open, the other 2 polinated.
I moved all of them outside and will let nature take it's course.

It is KC36 and this one specimen just grew really bushy.
It also grew 3 times as fast and as big as the others I planted.
Super genetics, I guess.

I'm hoping to get feminized seeds from it.
Although I still have not recieved an answer to my question about whether all hermies have female genetics. Most of this plant was male.

Also, I'm getting far better plants from the bag seeds I planted for fun.
I wish I knew the variety. REALLY FAT leaves. HUGE SEEDS. They are very bushy. Hope it produces some delicious, strong buds.

My previous bag seed grow produced some of the strongest pot I've smoked in a long time. And the pot that it came from was weak as shit. Shows what good treatment will do. This is a bud from those. Fluffy, but powerful.

even if you move it outside any kind of pollen that it gives off can stick to clothing and be transfered if you got indoor going
Thanx. I didn't think about that.
I'll chop it down today, and bury it.
That is probably how the other 2 got pollinated.

I spend about 4 hours a day outside.
Although I shower before touching the indoor plants, I'm in and out of the house so much during the day that pollen is bound to get in. And the air conditioner just blows it around.

The 2 sister plants that I put outside have grown so fast and so well that I'm going to do an outdoor grow now as well.

I've learned my lesson.
I've found that hermie plants produce hermie seeds. it is worthwhile to buy feminized seeds, then you don't have to worry as much. :peace:
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