so tell me abia. In your opinion, How many LED lamps would I need in a 8x8 area, normally lit by 2 1K HPS lamps on 7 ft movers. How many and how much?

My estimate would be from 600W to 900W with the best of what's available. Something like 3 of the ppf-800's from haight solid state or 3 of the 300W tri-band from HTGSupply. It would take like 8 of the Procyon's or lightblazes. You should yield about 2lbs per cycle.
pit i believe that at least 3 300 watt blue and red at 8/1 ratio. maybe even use a couple 90 watters also. the measure of watt watt is not as far apart as the claims are. but it still is more economical in the long run.
i dono where i live power just went up 43%. HID usaly cost less but use more power they give more buds shorter time but at same time use more power.

i dont think it can actual be compared by bud production unless someoene gets say 400 wats of led and 400 watts of hps and see which one actualy gorws more bud.

They are 2 totaly diff types of light and each has advantages over each so i dont think it willever be which is better its going to be which is better in what setting and how much watts do u have to work with ect.
your charged by watt/hours having equal wattage led to hid would be an equal powercost... unless your thinking equivalant wattage... like 14wcfl = 60 incadecent.

My understand of the issue is spectrum. We can pump more power into LEDs and make them brighter, but the spectrum of light porduced is very very specific, and altered by the chemistry of the silicone that makes up the diode. plants aquire their energy from a broad spectrum of radiation. Even with mixed boards (different colors of leds in same fixture) plants are lacking light.... go look at the light spectrum charts... theres not only one red... theres a range of red hue's ... same with blue's etc. Not saying the plant won't grow... just saying it's not getting a well balanced diet of radiation... HID right now is more complete... the sun is even better (and free).

There have within the last few years been some interesting law suits filed back and forth between hollywood movie/tv studios and comercial lighting manufacturers in regards to specific chemical makeup of leds and produced lighting spectrum... hollwood claims some reciepes and don't want them reproduced (without getting paid).

As we learn more it all improves... has been around for what 85 to 100 years and it;s still improving...

I expect LED's will as well. Who knows... maybe theres something better in the works.
I see a lot of figures on watts, dollars, wavelengths, color temperatures and on and on...

Wouldn't lumens at varying distance be more of an equalizer for rating the output used by the plant?
Has anyone started a post about these LED's yet "with pic's". And if anyone is going to buy any of these things contact me I can send a link that might help. So far all I have seen was talk about them, I was thinking of trying them, but guess I'm alittle too old fashion to, I'll continue with my mh-hps, till I can see something Thx Yall Stay Down
Has anyone started a post about these LED's yet "with pic's". And if anyone is going to buy any of these things contact me I can send a link that might help. So far all I have seen was talk about them, I was thinking of trying them, but guess I'm alittle too old fashion to, I'll continue with my mh-hps, till I can see something Thx Yall Stay Down

Here is my journal: Haight Solid State LED Grow Journal
Lurker turned contributor here at 420mag... :)

I just bought the PPF-800 and am starting a grow with some clones I'm rooting in a humidity dome under a small 22W T5. I am just starting to grow indoors and have been working on getting my 2x4 Growlab 80L and a homemade aero system ready for real time. Just wanted to say I'll be starting a thread soon documenting my grow! (very exciting).

I decided to go with the Haight Solid State LED grow lights after extensively researching lighting systems and requirements for the space I have to grow in. I wasn't too excited about increasing my electricity usage let alone increasing my electricity bill.

Before I took the plunge and made the purchase, I attended the SF Indoor Gardening Expo and was very interested to hear what others in the industry had to say about LEDs. I found out that pretty much everyone I spoke to - vendors and attendees were skeptical and also didn't really know much about the results of growing under LEDs other than having heard (not tested) that that vegging is good but more expensive than fluoros and flowering with them doesn't stack up against HID (mainly due to light penetration distance). Many were optimistic about the future of LEDs for growing indoors but ultimately believed that currently LEDs are "not there yet".

I made my way to one of the only 2 LED vendors at the expo (Sunshine Systems - creators of the infamous UFO LEDs). In speaking with the reps there I got the sense that they were tired of the skepticism they probably faced heavily since one of the guys there seemed quite defensive. Regardless of this, they were showing pics of a comparison grow in the flowering stage that Orange County Cannabis Coop is supposedly doing with Sunshine Systems 300W lights (300 x 1W LEDs) compared to 1000W HPS if I recall correctly. The pictures were quite impressive to say the least. They were for sure helping to convince attendees to take advantage of their UFO show special for $300.

Despite the obvious success OCCC had with the SS LEDs I was still not sure I wanted to go with those lights since having come across the Haight Solid State LED grow lights. It seemed logical to me that the light penetration distance would be significantly greater with the 6W bulbs vs 1W even with less overall LEDs.

After the expo, I visited the HSS showroom since it wasn't too far out of my way and they happen to be open. I just had to see the lights in person after seeing the others at the expo. Being a smart consumer, I wasn't impulsive but was definitely tempted. A few days later though, I decided I would go for it.

I must say...that light is bright! I am very excited to start growing under it and sharing the progress with those who choose to follow my grow. :)

Grow journal link to follow soon...
In general with LEDs I would be more concerned with the light spectrum (since the LEDs are simply points in the curve as opposed to the entire curve) than with penetration.

Will be interested in seeing your upcoming grow journal.
PLZ.....This is to anyone who is going to buy or has a LED "get a real light to grow plants", you waste your time and money with LED.Ill say it again its like bringing a hybrid to a drag race you will get there sooner or later but you dont have the muscle at the end.I am pushing 1 gram a watt atm anyone here say that with LED?Sorry to sound hostile but this has been tested by some very expert growers in the 420 community, and they got trashed at the start of this thread.Dont ask a question you dont want to hear the answer to.I have seen the grows with LED look in from time to time they just dont have the kick yet.I do beleave they never will and lighting will go in a different direction.MH and HPS have been around for years and is still the way to grow plants any plant.I am not going to put a lightbrite over my garden even though they have all the pretty colors.LED have been out for how many years now and 95 perecent of the growers still use MH and HPS whats that tell you guess we dont keep up with the times.We here are not ones afraid to spend money if it was going to help my garden i would jump on it.Before i purchased my lights i asked a few questions did some research and found LED are not the answer for your garden.Even asked at the hydro store he refused to carry them,told me to look on e..y you find them used because peeps found they dont work.
Baloney, Not all of us can afford hundreds of dollars per month for power bills. Pit's got two 1KW just for bloom so spends over 350 dollars per month on power - that is great for him but it's not a solution that works for everyone.

I'm really looking forward to budalicious's grow, don't let the neysayers get you down.
Bologna......1 gram per watt is 1 gram per watt if i got a 100 or 1,000,000 if your doing half that its not my falt it the LED and the grower,And if your worried about money stop spending it on things that dont work.Ill run my HPS for a 1 year for the money you spent on your light brite and have happier healthier garden.Bring a plant grown with LED to plant of the month and win. The power lights are 30 to 35 bucks per 1000 a month.That's all i have to say about that.
Rates here are as high as 44 cents per KWH, do the math..... If I had to pay 350 per month power bills I would give it up and just buy from the clubs. These LEDs are game changes for a small scale patient and they aren't that much more expensive.
I was not having a go at you. No disrespect intended. After all, I am here to learn so I will read your journal. There is no need to become defensive. Its funny, there always appears to be emotionally driven posts when it comes to LED's...:roorrip:

What is new and unknown is always scary and causes people to over react aggressively. It is human nature and the internet just magnifies it.
Toad.......Its scary if my plants aren't supplied with enough light to bloom properly and we need to add another source such as floro.That is the point and as far as going to a club, i bet they use HPS thats why there yield is up.Everything about this LED that comes from sfhaze is about money.If you can't afford to play get out of the game.The ones who suffer here are the poor plants that dont get enough light.We are all on some kind of budget but the key here is to get te most bang for your buck LED is not it.
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