Light swapping


New Member
Sup guy's n gal's

Had something on my mind today. I am entering my 4th week of flowering and what I was thinking of doing is swapping out the lights at the end of each week to try and control the grow and humidity, and strengthen up the stems.
I know there's a light with both mh and hps together, but I want to try and do it separate.
So it will go 1 week mh and the next week hps. I should be harvesting the first week of December, so I'll do that until then.
If anybody has any suggestions on how good this may or may not work, feel free to let me know.✌
I know the light each stage prefers, I just want to slow the growth and strengthen the stems on one plant. Stems are long and a little skinny, but the other is fine. Plus, with my small space, they are growing like crazy lol. Its my first dwc so i didn't know. I know with mh lights, at this time, it will lessen my yield, I'm just looking for a little control. I know what to prepare for next time. ✌
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