

New Member
whoaa made a lung last night with two of my friends, i hits of it soo big i didnt even think it was possible lol :peace:
My mate made one before which a small bucket, plastic tubing and a plastic bag. You put a hole in the side of the bucket for a spluff or a bowl, and you tape the plastic bag round the top of the bucket with the plastic tube in the middle going into the bucket, light the spliff or the bowl up and pull the plastic bag outwards, pulling smoke into the bucket and taking a phat drag through the pipe, in effect givin you a phat hit. Its called a lung because it in itself acts like a lung. It a bitch to make one that works well, needs time spent on it and possibly better materials than my mate used
I got an easier way man you need:
1)2 litre bottle
2)plastic bread bag

Take the 2 litre bottle and cut it in half throw away the bottom and keep the top then you take the bread bag and wrap it around the bottom of the top half of the 2 litre bottle tape it on go around a couple times so it stays on make a hole in the lidof the bottle then take a 1/2 inch socket then cut a little pen or sumshit in half and stick part of it in that little hole where the ratchet then take some tinfoil and make a bowl in the top of it then take the bottom of the breadbag and find the centre of it make a bunch it up and wrap some tape around it then put some kriggidy kriggidy khronic in the top light it up then pull the bag down unscrew the top and take a monster hoot
BTW:This might be a little complicated so im gunna go get high and see if I cant make it a little bit easier
ok sounds like a gravity bong right?

and Burn1Quick never pass on the advice of using foil for a bowl thats just bad news mmmk
Ive made several lungs in my time (which hasnt been much time) and they all worked pretty good i use burn1quicks method, good method

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