Marijuana Research Paper (Arguments with Teacher) Plz, give your 2 cents.


New Member
Hi guys, my name is Alex. I mostly made this topic to bring up a couple of arguments and discussions to the forum. My teacher recently asked me to do a paper on why i think Marijuana should be legalized. Today i pretty much had to defend Marijuana to the core. This lady told me that people that smoke Marijuana are not reliable sources because they are users. She even compared Marijuana user's to people in rehab for harder drugs and alcohol. She said that the only reliable sources were the professionals. I tried making a counter argument, by telling her to look at the people we thought were reliable sources in history.

For example... according to Why is Marijuana Illegal?
Marijuana prohibition started out of racism. Racism is considered to be a bad thing now in the 21st century. But at the time the official sources didn't know any better, so it was OKAY to believe them. Does this mean that if you are against Marijuana because of the government laws, does that mean your racist against Mexicans and Blacks? I also tried explaining to her that our last United States administration was horrible and at the time we thought they were doing great, but now George W. Bush, our ex president is being accused of War Crimes, and Dick Chaney and Mrs. Rice are being accused of approving torture methods such as waterboarding. What do you think makes a reliable source? Do you think a Marijuana user is not a reliable source because he or she smokes? I tried to explain to her that in every situation you are going to have 3 opinions. The people that are for it, against it, and neutral, but she would not budge. She even went on to tell me that she herself would not want Marijuana legalized. She also told me that members of Forums and Marijuana supporters and activists were not reliable sources. What do you guys have to say about this? By the way, im going to put the questions below for discussion just in case you don't want to read through the long post.

1. are anti-marijuana supporters racist, since that was the basis of criminalization?

2. Do pot smokers count as a reliable source in the Legalization argument?

3. What justifies a reliable source, knowing how history has played out.

Below is my research paper, read it if you like. If you think i have bad information for my argument please feel free to tell me.

"Legalization Of Marijuana"

Marijuana; one of the greatest enemies to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. Marijuana; one of the most resourceful plants on earth since 7000-8000 B.C. From the time when Richard Nixon began his “war on drugs” in the early 70’s, to the time when Ronald Regan enforced Marijuana criminalization in the late 80’s. This simple plant has been through hell when you come to think about it. With the media and our Government throwing out misleading and false information, who wouldn’t believe the garbage publicized on the news and all the “honest” research done on this billion dollar cash crop. There used to be a time in the United States where the opposite of what’s going on today was a reality. Farmers in Jamestown Colony, Virginia (1619) were “ordered” by law to grow Indian hempseeds. You could easily pay your taxes by growing the hemp, and criminalization was not even thought about yet. Hemp was used for many things such as, clothes, ropes, paper, and even canvases.

Along the timeline, Marijuana started becoming a problem in the early 1900’s as Mexicans and Mormons were bringing the plant into the United States from Mexico. Since the percentage of Mexicans increased in the United States at the time of The Great Depression, more U.S jobs were being taken by immigrants rather than its own citizens. By making Marijuana illegal for the pure goal of driving Mexicans out of the United States, the snow ball continued to gain population, and thickened with much more extreme repercussions. “All Mexicans are crazy, and this stuff [marijuana] is what makes them crazy”, said a senator 1972. “Marihuana influences Negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white men's shadows and look at a white woman twice." - newspapers in 1934 editorialized. Not only was Marijuana prohibition, which started in California a form of racism but also a keystone for the future of prohibition. In the 1930’s trusted professionals were already linking Marijuana to violent behavior, something that has been proven false by the common American pot smoker today.

Many argue that Harry J. Anslinger was the start of the war on Marijuana, as he used his position and power to mislead information published to citizens in the United States. He stated very obnoxious statements such as “"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death." Or “Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind." Harry J. Anslinger also gained momentum and help from several entrepreneurs who were in competition with the hemp industry. Since Marijuana had so many valuable uses in the health department, the majority of pharmaceutical companies wanted it banned as competition to increase their business. What was the point of spending hundreds of dollars on medicines with bad side effects, when you could grow your own medicine in your backyard.

In a survey conducted in 2001 by the United States government, results proved that over 83 million Americans over the age of 12 had tried marijuana at least once and that 12 million people had used the drug months before taking the survey. It is no secret that people smoke Marijuana for many different purposes. People intend to smoke this herb to relax their bodies, help them concentrate or just to have a great time with friends at social gatherings. Unlike alcohol, which sparks violence and disturbance in most individuals who consume it, recreational Marijuana users have stated that smoking the herb makes them peaceful and eliminates most violent thoughts from their mind. Yes, Marijuana can cause paranoia, especially in a country where it is illegal to use it, but for the individual who is experienced, the feeling of being high, is almost as relaxing as being in a fine sand beach on a sunny afternoon. Marijuana has been said to unify people of different cultures, and bring peace instead of violence between the users. With more time to lay back and relax, there is less time to cause harm and start meaningless wars. According to “There is some evidence -- but no scientifically valid studies -- that marijuana is useful in treating some forms of epilepsy and spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis.” Also “There is evidence that marijuana may improve the appetite and help patients gain weight. This could be lifesaving for AIDS patients who develop wasting, a severe weight-loss condition.” As well “Smoking marijuana is effective in lowering pressure inside the eyeballs of some patients with glaucoma...”

When it comes to one of the oldest things in history, people still have their misconceptions, myths and realities, and empty opinions caused by misleading information. Here is a fact; there is no evidence of anyone ever dying from a Marijuana overdose in the history of its recreational use. Intoxication by Marijuana is 40,000:1 compared to 4:1 and 10:1 for alcohol, which is legal in the United States. Additionally, Marijuana does not kill brain receptors, therefore not causing brain damage like alcohol. “In reality, marijuana has the effect of slightly increasing alpha-wave activity in your brain. Alpha waves are generally associated with meditative and relaxed states, which are, in turn, often associated with human creativity.” – Another misconception people have been lied about is that “Marijuana is a gateway drug.” This is no way true; in fact this widely used statement has lost its credibility as more people have stayed using Marijuana instead of upgrading to harder drugs like cocaine or heroin. Marijuana is not perfect, as nothing in this world is. Marijuana does impair short-term memory, but this only occurs during intoxication.

In 2007, according to the FBI’s “Uniform Crime Report," cited by The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), a record number of 872,721 people were arrested for marijuana violations, and 89 percent of those Americans were nabbed for “personal use.” We incarcerate thousands of non-violent individuals each day, hunt them down and rape them of their human rights. The United States wastes millions in stimulating Marijuana criminalization each year, and doesn’t make the War On Drugs any better, as it likes to advertise to the public. The War On Drugs, when it comes to Marijuana is one of the biggest failures in all of history and it simply does not work. By legalizing Marijuana, we would get rid of unfair imprisonment, and the deaths caused each year by drug deals gone wrong. Legalizing Marijuana would put pot cartels out of business and bring in billions of dollars each year and create thousands of new jobs for Americans. It is ludicrous that people have to lose their jobs, battle in court, and be ridiculed for smoking a natural herb such as Marijuana. Tax it, regulate it, and make a profit to bring this country out of its national debt."


Edit: So your telling me that the "terrorist" that were tortured using the waterboarding method were unreliable sources because they were the ones receiving the torture, there for their opinion of is unreliable? Give me a break, lets get this discussion flowing.
Son..... Welcome to the world of Dogma.

You have run up against a Fundamentalist. These are people that will refuse the truth until some higher power comes down and tells them its ok. So in other words..... never. The education system has been part and parcel in the drug war. Teachers (most), have been snow-balled into a narrow-minded way of looking at things in fear of losing their credibility within the field of public education. Which we all know is in bed with the DARE programs and by default, the Alcohol & Tobacco lobby. To even try and engage such a person would be folly. They will never budge from their narrow-minded view. As for the reasons why they won't.... it doesn't really matter why, if they refuse to self evaluate. The failing of being a Fundamentalist. Just an Opinion.:bong:
if you need professional sources about the legalization of marijuana, use,, or look up papers and studies via library resources(GALE or Galileo). I just turned in a nine page paper on legalization.
some angles you might want to include:
- Dupont, Dow Corp, and the endless uses of hemp
- US Patent 6630507
- massive funding from the drug and alcohol industry to anti-drug groups
What constitutes a professional? What if the professional is a drinker socially? Does that discredit their professional opinion? And if you really want an education, go to the library, not college. College is to get laid.
You might also want to do some research on the New England Journal of Medicine and the American Medical Association. I don't know specifics, but do know they have done research that has resulted in a pro-marijuana stance.
the war on drugs has given rise to a world of spin docters and not facts.both sides have thier properganda machiens and thay are way more better funded yet no better informed about fact v.s. myth we on the other hand we are not taken seriously i mean how can we be with these prejidous stereo typical stoner's movies always making us look the fool wich thay belive is how we all act when high but things are starting to change and facts will prove us right if you can get her to take her blinder off ask her if she knew that the partnership for a drug free america was funded by alcohol and tabacco lobby groups or that no one has ever o.d. on pot but you can drink your self to death in a sitting ask her if she new randolf herst illegally own'd propperty in mexico(tree farms)and the mexicans that lived there were smokers and growers and he used his pappers to wage a racist and monetery war against the grass/hemp mexican farmer you know these proabition laws are not even 100 years old and i bet thay dont last another 20
One way to know whether the source is reliable is to see if it was published in a professional peer-reviewed journal. That is, cite studies. Reading and understanding them helps as well. When you can cite a relevant study and even lightly discuss it, they will have to resort to hearsay and propaganda, and then you will own them. A friend used to carry a 'reference card' he made to make sure he didn't forget the details.

I have often thought of putting one together and working up talking points and responses to common counter-claims. Even the ones done by norml and others tend to forget to cite the research.
1. are anti-marijuana supporters racist, since that was the basis of criminalization?

In my opinion, the anti-cannabis supporters in today's society cannot be titled as a racist group. The racism was ages ago. This argument could be easily defeated by saying that some cannabis users are racist which voids out that one side is just or not.

2. Do pot smokers count as a reliable source in the Legalization argument?

As long as what they are stating are actual facts that are backed up by scientific evidence, which in today's society there is a bountiful amount of scientific research taking place.

3. What justifies a reliable source, knowing how history has played out.

Honesty, and a heart that seeks the truth no matter the outcome. (only a handful of politicians fall into this category, the ones that I know are all republicans and are open to the idea of legalizing cannabis).

"Intoxication by Marijuana is 40,000:1 compared to 4:1 and 10:1 for alcohol, which is legal in the United States." Cannabis is a non toxic, Soniq420 informed me sometime ago that you would need to consume around 75% of your body weight to kill yourself from cannabis. This is something that is thought to be impossible.
You can read this: New Smokers Q n A
This is just some information on the plant. If you scroll down you'll see some charts and statistics with links to medical research, which should by all means be 'validated' for any reports. Again thank soniq420 for posting the research and be sure to rep him.
Deadrosekid here are a few things more things to talk about when talking about MJ. Or these are just great facts in general.

All schoolbooks were made from hemp or flax paper until the 1880s, Ill bet she'll like that one lol.

Every 3.6 seconds someone in the world dies of hunger. Hemp seeds are the most nutritious and economical solution to end world hunger. With an 80 percent concentration of good fats our bodies need for good health maintenance and protein with all eight amino acids plus optimum dietary fibre, hemp truly is a "perfect balance" food source.

The first diesel engine was designed to run on vegetable oils, one of which was hemp oil. In the 1930s Henry Ford produced an automobile composed of 70 percent hemp plastic which also ran on hemp based fuel and oil.

One acre of hemp can produce as much raw fibre as 4.1 acres of trees. Pulping hemp for paper would produce a strong paper that lasts incredibly long and doesn't yellow with age. Also, using hemp as a raw source for paper would eliminate the need to cut down our dwindling old-growth forests which contribute to climate control and clean the air we breathe.

The pot plant is an ALIEN plant. There is physical evidence that cannabis is not like any other plant on this planet. One could conclude that it was brought here for the benefit of humanity. Hemp is the ONLY plant where the males appear one way and the females appear very different, physically! No one ever speaks of males and females in regard to the plant kingdom because plants do not show their sexes; except for cannabis. To determine what sex a certain, normal, Earthly plant is: You have to look internally, at its DNA. A male blade of grass (physically) looks exactly like a female blade of grass. Lol my favorite one.

The liquor, tobacco and oil companies fund more than a million dollars a day to Partnership for a Drug-Free America and other similar agencies. We have all seen their commercials. Now, their motto is: 'It's more dangerous than we thought.' Lies from the powerful corporations.

Just a few of my favorite facts I like to site when I talk to blockheads about why MJ should be legal.

Sorry for the short story lol.
Luckily I go to a private school and the opinions there are actually different among the teachers. The best response I've gotten so far is that medical cannabis should be legal but not for recreational use. This teacher has had trouble with insomnia.
I once wrote a 20 minute speech on the legalization of Cannabis for my Criminal Justice class my freshman year of college. It was worth about 60% of my grade for the class. I spent months on it. I've never worked so hard on a single assignment in my life, and I knew I aced it. Everyone in the class (30+ people) told me I had THE best speech.

When I got my grade, I wasn't the only one surprised to see a big fat "C". Another woman in my class who was a corrections officer gave a HORRIBLE speech that didn't meet a single one of the requirements got an "A".

I went to talk to my professor about it (Since she invited discussion if anyone was unhappy with their grade) I asked her why I got a C. She told me "Because that's the grade I gave you. It's not up for discussion." I was livid.
You know that you can take that matter to a higher power in college, which may result in an overruling of her decision.
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