Medical Marijuana Crackdown Explained: Feds Are Saving The Children

420 Warrior

Well-Known Member
Melinda Haag finally gave us a reason. The United States Attorney for Northern California broke her media near-silence last week week, granting an extensive, exclusive interview to KQED in which Haag sought to explain the Justice Department's crackdown on medical marijuana.

The reasons why Haag's Justice Department has shut down five licensed, taxpaying San Francisco medical cannabis dispensaries and moved to shut down at least four more on Feb. 21 are simple: Pot clubs cause crime, and pot clubs threaten kids.

"Many" people across the state have complained to Haag about this, she told California Watch's Michael Montgomery. "When a dispensary comes to my attention that is close to a school, a park, a playground or children, that's a line I've decided to draw," she said.

Yet this explanation rings a bit hollow in the Bay Area, where concerned citizens like the mayor of Berkeley "lamented" the shutdown of dispensaries in that city. Haag has also picked on neighborhoods such as the Tenderloin -- where strip clubs, liquor stores, and porn shops remain open near clubs shuttered by Haag -- to wage her war on the state's marijuana industry.

In the East Bay, Haag, a Berkeley resident herself, is shutting down Berkeley Patients Group, a large dispensary operating in an old car dealership on San Pablo Avenue. "There have been no complaints [about BPG]," said Mayor Tom Bates. "We get compliments from neighbors."

"There were no instances of violence, they were excellent neighbors, they had good security, they contributed to the economy and helped local nonprofits by making contributions," Bates said. "The voters of this city voted unanimously that they wanted to have four dispensaries in Berkeley and that was it. We grandfathered them in. But evidently we get trumped by the federal government."

Bates's protests are not falling on deaf ears -- and are in fact making their way to Haag. "I hear them," Haag said, "but I have a hard time making that distinction [between good and bad dispensaries]. I've already drawn a line."

"When a dispensary comes to my attention that is close to a school, a park, a playground or children, that's a line I've decided to draw."

"There is a belief, backed by facts, that marijuana operations are often times the victims of criminal activity," she added. "Armed robberies at dispensaries, armed robberies at grow operations, and people who are nearby are at risk [to wit: school children] as a result of that."

Haag described a dispensary in Santa Cruz that operated near a preschool, which generated numerous citizen complaints from neighbors. There's a high school somewhere in her district, she added, that suffered an explosion in marijuana use following the opening of a nearby dispensary.

When we asked Haag spokesman Jack Gillund to tell us what dispensaries these were and where, as well as to share the citizen complaints, he was was succinct in his response: "We have no comment," Gillund wrote in an e-mail.

Haag is correct in saying that crime has happened around pot dispensaries: A man was robbed of a pound and some cash out front of Divinity Tree in 2011, and several years ago, a man was murdered outside of Mr. Nice Guy on Valencia Street. Both dispensaries were shut down by Justice Department letters from Haag.

But the theory that "pot clubs equal crime," however, has been exploded by San Francisco's Planning Commission, whose members have been staunchly anti-pot -- had it been at their disposal.

"No one, including the police department, has ever brought before this commission any factual evidence of that statement [that crime and blight accompany dispensaries]," Planning Commissioner Ron Miguel said. "It has not been proven."

"We have not had direct testimony of law enforcement that they believe there is an increase in crime in areas because there is medical marijuana dispensaries," added Planning Commissioner Michael Antonini, who consistently votes against permitting new dispensaries (and did so March 1, when he made the statement).

So the feds won't name the schools, won't name the complainants, and won't provide the statistics used to justify the crackdown. But trust them, they, like the moon-landing, are real.

On the ground in San Francisco, however, the crackdown's led to some head-scratching situations: Two of the clubs closed by Haag were in the Tenderloin, where medical pot surely ranks somewhere below open-air her*oin and cr*ack dealing, open-air her*oin and cr*ack use, and prostitution as threats to children.

"The Divinity Tree is two blocks away and around the corner from the [Tenderloin Children's] playground," the reason why that dispensary was closed, said David Goldman, core member of San Francisco's chapter of Americans for Safe Access. "In the intervening space are several massage parlors, bars, and liquor stores. Across the street from the playground stands an adult theater with a marquee blatantly advertising an 'erotic circus.'"

"All of this makes nonsense of Haag's and the DOJ's pretense to be protecting children," Goldman said.


News Hawk - 420 Warrior 420 MAGAZINE
Location: California
Source: SF Weekly
Author: Chris Roberts
Copyright: © 2012 SF Weekly, LP.
If they were really concerned about saving the children... they would go after armed drug dealers who deal sm*ck and m*th... but they much rather go after MMJ patients as it is easier to shoot dogs and take money from law abiding citizens.

Cartels and gangs are to hard for LE and the feds to handle.
as usual from the Feds, total lack of reason and common sense.
I'm so sick of this "think of the kids" bullshit. Seriously, you see tobacco and alcohol ads on TV all day long, and they're worried about a completely harmless plant.
If they were really concerned about saving the children... they would go after armed drug dealers who deal smack and meth... but they much rather go after MMJ patients as it is easier to shoot dogs and take money from law abiding citizens.

Cartels and gangs are to hard for LE and the feds to handle.

Could have said it better myself, AMEN brother.

It's almost a circus like atmosphere, when a politician gets up in front of people and reads a script, lined with ulterior motives, and bullshits the general public.

And the sheeple, believe them, because it's your government, why would the lie and steer you wrong?
Until one government official gets up in front of the public and starts with facts, then I really don't have time for that person. They will not get my vote, nor will they get my support and time.

The funny thing about this, pot is really showing me exactly what we all hate about politicians.

They have no idea about the plant, it's uses, it's affects, the problems it can cause in neighborhoods, it's benefits for a neighborhood, and on and on.

So, they think they can make things up, flat out lie, or go by issues that may or may not have been true in the past, and think that the average american is just going to listen and think it's correct or true.
All I have to say is Excuses, Excuses, Excuses Excuses!!!!! And none of them being backed by any type of fact!!!! Thats our elected officials for ya!!! They based there decisions off propoganda, hearsay, and the "i think" guidelines....great to know we have such competent decison makers running this country.... sheeezzze
"...Haag said, "but I have a hard time making that distinction [between good and bad dispensaries]. I've already drawn a line."

Line drawing is making black and white from a technicolor issue. It doesn't make sense. And she doesn't mean to make sense. That's not her agenda.

WHEN is the state of California going to step up to the Feds and tell them to lay off or lawsuits are going to fly? We voted for mmj, we are working on setting up the industry in a thoughtful, mindful, lawful way, and we DON'T need ANY outsiders to disturb that delicate balance. If it's legal here, and it is, the Feds need to respect our sovereignity. It's as simple as that.

We don't need a paternalistic government as overseers. I hope EVERYONE votes appropriately this year.

"There is a belief, backed by facts, that marijuana operations are often times the victims of criminal activity," she added. "Armed robberies at dispensaries, armed robberies at grow operations, and people who are nearby are at risk [to wit: school children] as a result of that."
OK. using that reasoning, Banks, Liquor stores, gas stations and every other buisiness that runs on cash sales are all possible victims of of roberies, what about all the people put at risk around those places? shouldn't we worry more about getting the "robber" off the street rather than further victimizing the victim?
To Me, it is just plain old "common sense" not at all very common these days.
"There is a belief, backed by facts, that marijuana operations are often times the victims of criminal activity," she added. "Armed robberies at dispensaries, armed robberies at grow operations, and people who are nearby are at risk [to wit: school children] as a result of that."
OK. using that reasoning, Banks, Liquor stores, gas stations and every other buisiness that runs on cash sales are all possible victims of of roberies, what about all the people put at risk around those places? shouldn't we worry more about getting the "robber" off the street rather than further victimizing the victim?
To Me, it is just plain old "common sense" not at all very common these days.

VERY good point. I thought the same thing myself after reading that again.

It all comes back to the point about, they have no idea how to even talk about this plant.

It's still an illegal drug in their eyes, and if they even for one second talk about it otherwise, they won't get party support, funding for their elections, possible public out cry, and possible other negative effect on their own lives.

The main purpose of a politician is too keep their job AND get reelected.


So with that understanding, WE the people need to make sure they hear us, and hear what WE have to say and what WE want, otherwise they will just keep pushing what ever they like through the house of laws and courts.


Don't let the politicians push their agendas, keep fighting for what we want.
We have to force them to educate themselves about the usefulness of this medicine...Instead of constantly defending ourselfs, we have put out the valid evidence that there is medical value, now its time to put them on the defense and say "prove to us that its harmful", because they keep blindly saying it is, with no evidence but old scare tactics and old world propaganda clouded thoughts....

Where is there proof that supports these rediculous claims????? BS BS BS BS!!!!

Banks get robbed, so lets ban them!!!! HS kids get cigarettes so lets ban corner stores.... when are we going to say.... bad represenative....your banned!!!
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