MJ withdrawal syndrome?


New Member
I consider myself a heavy smoker, 2 blunts a day minimum. 2 days ago I stopped smoking to be ready for a math exam and im feeling a little funny, with a sort of stomachache and with a lot of anxiety. Could it be a withdrawal symptom? Does anyone have suffered from this?
Re: MJ withdrawal syndrome??

I get anxiety sometimes when I havn't smoked, its one reason I do smoke.
I have anxiety that I medicate with MJ. When I dont smoke my anxiety comes back. It's not a withdrawal symptom for me, but what happens when I'm not medicated.
Do you onlly smoke blunts? It might be nicotine withdrawl, I myself don't smoke cigs I kinda feel the same way If I'm out. I only smoke blunts and I kinda think its from the lack of nicotine. Hmm:hmmmm:
MJ has less withdrawal characteristics than caffeine, far far less than nicotine and alcohol.

Source: University of California

Yeah i normally only get effects like that when i stop smoking for like a day lol ( im a very heavy smoker like a quarter a day at least) i never eat when im not high and im a big guy i just really dont eat alot idk y haha :popcorn:
Do you onlly smoke blunts? It might be nicotine withdrawl

I only smoke mj, and i drink little amounts of alcohol.
I had the math exam today and i pass it with b :cool:, and after the exam i smoked a 10g blunt with some friends, good bye stomachache!
haha exaclty what i would have done right after an exam :grinjoint:

I only smoke mj, and i drink little amounts of alcohol.
I had the math exam today and i pass it with b :cool:, and after the exam i smoked a 10g blunt with some friends, good bye stomachache!
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