Mom coming home on hospice: can CBD help?

Eli Barr

New Member
I really am pretty desperate at this point. My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine cancer a year ago. She did chemo, had surgery, they thought everything was good but it came back with a vengeance. Within 3 weeks, the cancer had grown large enough to press on her abdomen causing her to not be able to eat or drink ANYthing without throwing it up. She’s now on day 8 at the hospital without having had but a few bites of jello, soup, etc (which she threw up). The only reason she’s alive is because they’re pumping her full of fluids. Because she can’t eat, she’s not strong enough for chemo which was the only hope to shrink the cancer so that she could eat! Needless to say...she decided to come home on hospice. She’s coming home Monday and this is like a last ditch effort. Can oils help? Her medical marijuana card is on the way but I’m afraid it’s going to be too late. We do have a friend who has his card who can get her stuff. But also a side note is that she had multiple blood clots and is now on a blood thinner which I’ve read can have an interaction with CBD oil. Can anyone please help? We are desperate.
Hi Eli

So sorry to hear of this. Our knowledgeable community will help if they possibly can.

This is where to start: The Basic Links For Patients and Caregivers

I am tagging one of our key experts in this area on this post to bring your question to her attention. @SweetSue

I've read a wonderful success story about a man who was in hospice with cannabis oils. You should read it for some tips. I wish you luck.
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