My 1st Medical Cannabis Grow Cabinet

Updated photos guy/gals
Take the dome off for a while and see if they perk up or wilt more.

If they perk up, the humidity is too high with the dome on and you need to make some more ventilation holes in the dome or leave it off altogether.

If they wilt even more with the dome off for a while, then you need to keep the dome on and supply more humidity by misting the inside of the dome with a spray bottle every once in a while, and by making sure the medium is moist, but not soggy.

Also, they could either be getting too much light or not enough, so you can play with that also and see what happens.
Completely normal, Norsemann. The more leaf surface area a cutting has, the more it will wilt initially. The stomatae (little holes on the leaves) that the plant uses to breathe and to "sweat" or transpire moisture will still pass off moisture especially if it is performing photosynthesis. After a few days, the clones should start to get its internal fluid pressures back up and the wilting will subside. Keep up the humidity levels to minimize water loss through the stomatae.

Some growers will cut each leaf blade back by about half when doing the cutting. It helps to reduce the rate of water loss through those leaves.
Take the dome off for a while and see if they perk up or wilt more.

If they perk up, the humidity is too high with the dome on and you need to make some more ventilation holes in the dome or leave it off altogether.

If they wilt even more with the dome off for a while, then you need to keep the dome on and supply more humidity by misting the inside of the dome with a spray bottle every once in a while, and by making sure the medium is moist, but not soggy.

Also, they could either be getting too much light or not enough, so you can play with that also and see what happens.

left the dome on but moved the clones closer to the light and they look great for just a night of being closer thanks again setting sun :thumb:
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