My New Grow

and FYI, I switched to better gentics since then, been at least a year ago.

No hard feelings, i'm very sick and I don't have it in me to discuss it further. Sorry about the obvious irritation, i'm sweating bullets. I do appreciate the effort
Hope you are feeling better - get well soon!
After yalls input and I adjusted RH and they started thriving, amazing how RH makes that big of a difference.
After yalls input and I adjusted RH and they started thriving, amazing how RH makes that big of a difference.
Oh yeah, you're god to that plant. You provide every detail of the world she lives in, she is your lovechild with the mother Earth, buddy, and every little thing makes a big difference. Looking good, hang in there. Might need a little N when you see that light green, but never at the cost of too much water
Oh yeah, you're god to that plant. You provide every detail of the world she lives in, she is your lovechild with the mother Earth, buddy, and every little thing makes a big difference. Looking good, hang in there. Might need a little N when you see that light green, but never at the cost of too much water
I find adding a little more N and also some iron helps "green" up new growth "lime green" leaves. Sometimes a little Epsom Salts @ 1 tsp/gal also greens them up nicely - supplies extra magnesium (more for the overall plant as a whole). Compost teas with kelp help too. Found that out recently myself. If you do not want to brew your own compost tea, you can buy water soluble compost tea powders that work wonders.
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