need a advice from an expert on autoflowers.. no kids pls!


New Member
i started to grow 5 bubblicious. now thy at day 10 as seedlings.
lights : 4x55w 2700K 3300lm each.
2x55w 6500k 3100lm each.
2x30w 2700K 1770lm each.
2x26w 6500K 1590lm each.
soil: coco fiiber+ small air rocks+brown soil (home depot)
10 liter pots.
room size : 1 square meter.
temp: 26-28c
lights cycle at 24\0

i just wanna know how to push them to the limit at veg and make them bushy as hell to proper them to flowering.
how i should combine my lights to veg proper. and light cycles for them?
im in veg right now but thy still small as hell.
i need to make them as a big bushes.
any advice for me to get the best of the plant at vegetative?
answers only from experts no 1-2 grow ppl please. (its very importent to me and i dont want to do something by a advice from a hot shot)

sorry for my english... :thanks:
i know.. thats why thy autos.. my question is how to max the veg b4 thy start to flower bro..
like use only the 6500K in veg to max the plants.. or leave the lights mix...
lights cycles for the plents right away from seed and shit like that... ;)
I don't know squat about CFL, when or which to use. I'm on my first grow so I might not be *Qualified* enough for you...however;
I do have two bushy autos, so maybe if you will listen you can learn something. I did not do any trimming, bending, topping...nothing. The tallest(39") plant got some LST to spread her open some when she hit the stretch, the other one(~28") was left alone. My best advice, and what I see most people doing is give them an 18/6 light cycle, and go easy on the nutrients until you are sure the plants can handle them. Notice in my pics I have a little nute burn on the tips.

The only other advice I might offer is to try and reword your request. Everyone here is willing to help, and you can see their experience, reputation, # of posts, and how long they have been here by glancing to the left of their posts. It is probably the language barrier, and the inability to detect voice inflection etc in a written format, but IMHO you came across slightly douchbaggy. Doubtful you will find many kids in here, and if you do it is easy to "ReCoGniz dEm". Good luck with your grow, and consider making a grow journal. It'll probably get more responses and followers than just a question here and there. How to Make a Grow Journal If you are interested in bushy autos, take a look at my journal posted in my signature below.

I'll second what rifleman said. Asking with a negative tone won't get you many responses. I won't reply to you problem, as I have no experience with auto's but here is a forum specifically for Auto-Flowering. So if you only want "expert help" then maybe try posting there.
i put mine straight under 600 w hps
autos are tricky , its all down to the seeds also , good seeds bad seeds .
loose soil
start them in a big pot , (never transplant)
easy on nutes as said above
i use 20/4 light
feed after about 4 weeks even 5 if your soil is good

take any advice thats given even if it was someone's first couple of grows , they might have got it perfect in the start

this is mine at 2 weeks , im just letting them do their thing with no fuss , you fussy about you can stunt them they wont forgive because they dont have time , dont go by what breeder says on finish time they could take weeks more to mature


others at one week


:thumb:good luck
this is my english.. nothing personal..i know basic english.. not advenced.. so again i not a dushbag my friend.. i dont wanna get advice that will fuck up my grow more then he already is.. i know some ppl that wanna show thy knowlege when thy dont have any. and i will handle the problems after that.
she is beutifull my friend.. i wishd that mine look like it one the first week. i show the pic and she is 11 days old.. u can understand that shes in shock..
i said "sory for my english" im russian u take it to personal g'... im not an expert but when you feel bad u want to see doctor and not a norse am i right? do i need a god damn dr not a thi massage terapist.
so stop being a sissy bro.. i explaind that my english is basic not advensed.. so i wright in b-a-s-i-c.. and yes i want a expert advice b cuz untill now i go by all the advices that i gor and was only got more complicted then b4.. so again yes i want an expert advice when im sick.. if u dont know jack shit for how to help me and u dont like my post b cuz it efend u can roll off this post.
and tnx for all the other parts from ur commant that ectualy may helpd me.
b side the dushbag part and "im maby not qulifaid anoghe for u" and shit like that.:bravo:
i didnt try to efend nobody by my post or my engish.. i learn my english from "gucci mane" rap songs.. and from acouple of real homies while i was living in montreal QC. alot of ppl told me that my english is a ghetto english.. i should learn in school ;)
My advice would be to go quiet for a little while, and read as much as you can right here. There is a wealth of information on this site.
Search is your friend :thumb:
And for the record, I didn't notice any "Sissy's" here , just good people trying to offer you good friendly advice. Your English might not be perfect, but you know enough to be able to insult.
Good luck
Just read man, read. Every piece of advice is already in this site, and more knowledge/wisdom then you could pack in a book,,,you have to find it, or get a better approach and people may help. Paddy gave you solid info. Follow that, and take a few breathes. Some great people here willing to help but you need to work on ur approach. Like paddy said,, you don't know who knows jack or who might know jack from jump.

Good luck
another thing ive learned , on your first grow a watched kettle never boils , when i first started i was never done looking into the tent and saying feck will these things ever grow , i had it in my head that they were not growing , they will grow when you learn to relax and let them get on with it :)
yeap you all right guys. my mistake and im truly sory for my dumb answers.
you all been great.
i allready read for 72 hours stryte. bio of plants,growing tec,photo stuff..
and im still reading i didnt sleep for 2 days b cuz of that...
i will find my answer soon.. tnx any way all of ya.
rifleman wow, thats what your auto flowers look like? I have a couple that are a foot high (topped) mind if i ask what nuts are you using, soil, bla bla bla, and what weight do you expect off your plant? hope it's not too much to ask...
rifleman wow, thats what your auto flowers look like? I have a couple that are a foot high (topped) mind if i ask what nuts are you using, soil, bla bla bla, and what weight do you expect off your plant? hope it's not too much to ask...

I'm using Humboldt's micro, grow, bloom and some Hydroguard in single bucket dwc. They are getting the full recommended dosage also. A little nute burn on the tips due to letting the water level get too low. As far as yield, I have no idea. Harvest is sometime in the next two weeks I think. My journal link is in my signature below, drop in and see how much I get from them.
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