Need Help from Cali MM Patients


New Member
I'm a new mm patient in Cali (I have a residence there), and I forgot to ask some basic questions about the law. Guess I could call, but thought I'd ask here, for the heck of it. Might meet someone cool, anyhow.
Is there really a limit on how much you can purchase at a time? One place said one ounce, but at another I was able to purchase three at once. And is there a limit by law as to how much you can have at any given time, and how much is it? (I'm sure there is.)
Any help would be appreciated.
zenmind/Angie :roorrip:
Most dispenceries I've been to, have mentioned the reason for their record keeping the way they do, is you are only allowed to purchase 1 ounce per day. State law under prop 215 gives you an 8oz possession limit or whatever your doctor recommendation says in cooperation with county ceilings, but they aren't supposed to be able to screw with you up to 8oz, as long as you don't have it bagged where you can get suspected of sales, or have scales, unexplainable cash/ assests that show intent of sales.
We have info on all MMJ states with copies of all Laws state by state. Here is a link to California MMJ Law : California MMJ - 420 Magazine
I would also inquire with the city or town you live in as to what limits if any they impose upon their residents.
also, keep in mind alot of things are not clearly defined in the law.

The last few months i have done a lot of reading in regards to the easiest states and so on to get registered for.

Believe it or not Hawaii sucks according to the laws, considering, Kona gold, Maui Wowi and so on.

Oregon and Montana are newcomers to the scene, you can carry 3 ozs i think.

However, the laws are being defined as we speak.

It will take some poor sucker getting busted to make the laws.

One guy had alot of weed in Cali we was working for a place that treated cancer patients and got into trouble.

Still waiting i guess in Cali for the fog to lift.

So unfortunately some will have to be the subject of legal rulings for them to be written.
We have info on all MMJ states with copies of all Laws state by state. Here is a link to California MMJ Law : California MMJ - 420 Magazine
I would also inquire with the city or town you live in as to what limits if any they impose upon their residents.

I was just going to say that - I have to read up on all the laws for where I live - laws can actually differ based on county and then further for what town you're in. Right now I believe 8 oz is the limit. Some dispensaries will say you can purchase that much at a time, but I've been to one where their rules were 2 oz a day just b/c that's what THEY put forth at their establishment. You also need to pay attention to, say, if you go a county over and are able to have more, but what about the county you are going back to or driving through.

I swear the rules are made to specifically mess with people, bust them for nonsensical things & then use that experience to make additional rules. Make sure you read! And I suggest trusting your own, thorough research - not just ours here saying what's what.
"Can't we all get along?" Rodney King

Makes too much sense to me.

I grew up in cali. I have to say pretty liberal in accordance to where i live now. I have been here 10 years and still hate it.

the humidity or snow get you, and then i hurt like hell.

It irks me to think a good thing "MMJ" is being messed with. Take something virtually free if you grow it and still find a way to bend you over and not have the common courtesy of a reach around. (R. Lee Ermey) full metal jacket,

yes i served from 87-91 in the beloved Corps.
Local rules within the state are key.

We can have 30 plants and hold 3 lbs here. (or more with stipulation from the Doc.)
the deal is i should come and bunk with you, LOL.

Santa Rosa is sweet and the loose laws are alluring.

However, the job market and grow times make that an impossible.
Theres room on the sofa!

Loose laws? they tightened it up from the original 99 plant limit.... :(

Grow times? Just get some 2 foot tall starts, ready to flip to 12/12, that'd be done and trimmed in 70 days. (Keep in mind Cali has 6 month eviction grace periods, and the power will stay on even with two months unpaid.)
take in mind that Wisconsin has no usage allowed and snow, and humidity.

The sofa is not big enough for a wife, 2 smaller kids and myself, LOL

with a 99 limit i could grow a shit load of meds....
You havn't seen my couch.... :)
i suppose undertaking grow training and living in a place where i could grow 99 plants is nothing but a pipe dream.

I am a working stiff and money is short as always.

I grew up in cali till 1998 when i left to get in touch with my roots in Iowa.

Needless to say my offspring are even more screwed than i thought.

Needless to say...i am now alone it is just me and my clan,

I would easily move back if i knew i could support myself.

Pasadena was my hometown, however my skill set is limited, i have done bill collections for 10 years or so and misc jobs with customer service. I he other profession is computer repair.

I do pick things up quickly and love new knowledge.

Just a pipe dream....
Let us put it this way. Calif is my number one choice if i can fnd decent work.

I am supporting a family now on 11.50 an hour doing HMO enrollments for the state healthcare.

I pick things up quickly, would prefer a better place to live. To me better is no snow, humidity or shallow minded mid-west people.

My rent is about the same give or take 100 dollars in both Cali and Nevada.

or shall i make a sign


FWIW - its not 99 any you can only have 30 per doctors rec.

Also dont forget the cost of living in Cali (as you probably know) is much higher than Iowa.
i am very aware of the scenario there. However., does not stop me from dreaming. I will settle for the simple Nevada. Lost wages. Rent is alot cheaper and work is easier to find considering what it is i am skilled at.
Well im not to sure bout work as i been out of work since 2004, but rent alone you looking at about 600 to 1200 if not more depending in the area. i myself live in the central south california vally. and the rent in the bad area of town is bout the low end of the range i mentioned and thats just for the rent. but if you look around realy good you might fine a cheaper place. my wife looked alot and found 500 rent in the bad area of town, so it is duable.
In California, the MMJ laws depend on what county you are in. Some have draconian LEOs, and some don't. Some have 6 plant limits, some have 100+.

It all comes down the county, and that county's law enforcement.
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