Need help to investigate my slow growing plants


New Member
Hi, I set up my grow room this weekend and put my 2 weeks old plants in it.
They were growing soo slow. In first two weeks the lights were too far from the plants and the streched. Then I put more soil to the pots to reduce the length of the plants. Now I completed my grow room and placed them nicely there , oe there is at most 1.5 inches btw the plants and 8 - 24watt clf lamps. for my temperature measuremets I replaced a thermometer top of the pots, in the room, and hanged one just between the lamps At all areas the temperature is between 20-26 degree which is the best. I've tried to measure the ph with a cheap ph meter and because I didn't relied on it I didn't tried to make any changes on the ph level of the soil.

And I have some questions.

- I have a 400 watt GrowMaster HPS lamp (gives 50% blue 50% red light) but I didn't turn it on yet I'm still using just the cfls. Should I wait for the plants get bigger to start 18/6 cycle with hps or should I just turn it on.
I don't have a cool tube or glass between the HPS and the growing area but I made an system that sucks the air from the reflector of the lamp. Because I didn't turned it on I don't have any measurements about temperature when the HPS lamp is on. But I think the ventilation of the room can handle it.

- Is my soil mix causing this sloooow grow because I just put potting soil, perlite, and some sand (Not sea sand). There are no nutes in it. I bought a nute which is 12-8-9 NPK and put 1/4 mixture to the just two of the babies to observe without ruining all my babied.

- In the county that I live I couldn't find the nutes like fox farm and others mentioned in the site. What kind of nutes can I use, and when should I start tu fertelize them.

Here are the pictures of the plants and my light and ventilation system.


first 4

second 5

side view of the lamp and plants

Ligth and ventilation. (I borrowed my friend's camera to take the photos, it was a professional camera and there were just the tele lens on it so I couldn't take the photo of the whole system.) I have the HPS lamp inside the reflector and there are 2 10cm fans cross to each other at the both side of the that pink stuff and both of them sucking hot air in from the reflector.

I just forgot to say. do they look OK. I can post closer photos if you need to say anything about them. they are 2 weeks old but still soo small and they are wihe whidow...=)
two weeks old from the day they popped out from seed they are not clones.
They are white whidow and it is not a cigarette they are plastic, I put them just to mark the different kink of potting soil that I used.

Thanx a lot flyfishnrock I now relaxed a bit because this is my first grow and I don't have any experience it's nice to hear that they are alright=))

One more thing about the room I didn't used foil tape for the corners just a regular heavy duty tape to make the connections stronger. Should I use foil tape?
The corners of the all grow room. I made the room by using a cheap closet which is made by fabric so I covered it with foil but it is not possible to cover the corners so I taped them. Now after your advice I'll do a foil tape work. And on monday I'll be able to post some photos of the complete system so you can see them better.
And when shuld I turn on the 400 watt HPS ?
get the lights as close as possible record temp adjust if they burn AS close as possible. and get the foil out of there when you put the hps in there the glass would help. in a week when they get about at least 4 or 5 inches. 24-7 with the other lights.
kingstoned I'm from Turkey and something that I used is cheap here and some others are expensive. The most expensive part is the HPS system. My advice is you should findout how much is the HPS cost in the place you live and double the price for other expenses. So you can figure out how much you need. And make a list of what you need at first so you can order them at once which reduces the cost of shipment.
Poke Smot the walls of my closet is letting the light penetrate it they are very thin for now foil is the only thing that keeps the light in or out. So what else can I use to cover my walls if I can't find mylar.
Hi this week I got some nicer photos. also the plants growed a little more but there are some spots on the leaves that I don't know what they are can someone pls tell me what are they



This one is completely freaky :((

And some overwiev I lifted the lights for the photo shots



Well I had stunted growth and curling and it was because of my soil. What type of soil are you using? It looks liek your soil is the problem I also made this mistake. You might want to replace the soil in a couple of the plants and see if they improve, and if they dont you know its not the soil. Dont use any Nuts yet.
yes it could be soil. It was the best that I could find as the man in the gardenshop but later on I heard that It's not such a good brand I have a nice soil now but I difn't replaced the soil. do I have time for this replacement or should it be done immadiately. because now I'm not at home my sisters taking care of the plants and I don't want to let them do such an importing thing.
I have just perlite and montain sand in the mixture.
As soon as I replaced my soil my plants looked better. My curled plant uncurled in under 24hrs and my browning plant started to green up just as fast. The sooner you replace the soil the better in my opinion. Good luck!:Rasta:
If you have a sporting goods, hunting, or army surplus store you should bee able to find emergency blankets. They are about 70% effecient. They are basically thin sheets of mylar about 5 feet by 3 feet. If your closet is not light proof I would suggest leaving the foil up and hang the blankets over it.
aspi i dont know if you have this is turkey but if you have a sun shade for a cars front windshield the slerish reflector kind they work well if you cant find mylar or the most silver shinning irthday papper you can find...emergency blanket can also be found in first aid kit survival kits automotie kits boating kits you get the point somtime findding them inother odd kits can save you more $$$ anyways hope this helps and eat some turkey for me JK
I searched the net and I found some mylar on friday I'll go to buy. after that Iwon't have any problems left for the room
we have 4 seasons, now its the end of winter at nigths it's still cold the tempetarure is btw 8 and 18 celsius but after 3 months it will be hotter. I'm hoping to complete my grow before the summer because it can be a problem for cooling the room.
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