Need Help


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First let me start by saying this is my first grow indoors. I have two different strands from Centennialseeds, Otto #1 and Dakini Kush. I have a closet set up with a 100 Watt Sylvania SpotGro and 2 75Watt CFL. I have a Diamond Series 100watt LED on the way along with a couple of Fluorescent Lights. Thats my setup for now. I have a fan moving air around and have made a C02 out of yeast, sugar and water. I have a container as you can see in the pics wrapped in aluminum foil on the inside and covered roughly 75% with cling wrap. LED light will arrive tomorrow and I was thinking I would then move the pots that have grown bigger to a lower shelf with the LED light hanging above....?

My Process:

Germination: Paper Towel Method I germinated the seeds until they had roots roughly an inch long then planted them in Miracle Gro seed starting potting mix.
They are in 4" Bio Degradable seed starting pots with a drainage hole in bottom

I PH balanced my tap water to 6 and have been keeping soil moist. i have two plant that sky rocketed out of the soil to about 2 1/2" tall. One of them died overnight and the other one is still healthy as you can see in the pics. I have two plants that grew from germination a week ago and started to fall over so i transplanted them into another pot and buried the stem to leave 1/4" of stem and the leaves above the soil.

At what stage should I transplant to a bigger pot?

Why did they stretch 3" in a short time and just halt their growth?

What should i change to make this grow better?
Welcome to 420 mag man and congrats on the new plants. I would get my Temps down first off. Get air flow up. I would transplant when the roots where thick at the drain holes. Wait till the plant is dry then transplant and water. I through worm castings in the hole then transplant and water. They could be stretching from the heat or reaching for light mine do it usually so I just plant my seeds in there veg pot with 3/4 of the dirt so as it streaches I fill the dirt in.
I think the most important thing is environment. And just knowing that more ain't better.
Good luck and happy growing!
I am struggling a little bit with the temps. It seems when i give the plants a 4 hour dark period they start to droop so I have been keeping them at a 24 hour light cycle. I have a fan blowing in the room to circulate air. Maybe I should point the fan at the lights to cool the room a bit? I did add super thrive to the first batch of seedlings and two grew to about 4" and died. I just purchased a humidifier for the room as to control humidity better. I am pretty sure the first batch was overwatered and that is why they didn't make it? I have tried to keep my temps between 70 F and 85F. It seems they heat up a bit in that container. My LED arrives tomorrow though which will help keep the temp down. How far away do you recommend me keeping my CFL light?
I would give them 6 hours of darkness. They droop because they are doing thing at the root zone I believe but it's a good thing. They just shouldn't droop before the lights go off. CFL can be pretty close as long as Temps are in control. What kind of exhaust are u runnin?
I have this set up in a 4.5' x 4' closet with 8' ceiling. Right now just have a fan blowing on lights and a fan blowing air in the closet with door open. I ordered a 6" inline carbon filter fan to exhaust air into attic. Isn't scheduled to arrive for another 4 days so just been keeping the door open in the meantime
The fan should help a whole lot. I would get a fan speed controller just for a little more controle. Just remember to let them dry out good in between watering and don't over feed. And when you do feed make sure it's the right fert for that time in the plants life. That's about what I grow in my journal is in my signature it's the one that says lots of pics. Stop by and check it out some time. It's a mostly organic approach that is easy as hell and produces some great bud.
Looking good so far. You want to transplant to a new pot twice as big every 2 weeks, that's about how long it takes if you double it each time. Then switch to flower no earlier than 7 days from the last transplant to avoid stress issues. The seedling stretched to reach the light. You can keep CFLs as close as possible, as long as it isn't burning the plant by touching it. Yeah that fan will fix most of your ventilation issues so no worries there. Keep the temp and humidity in check to avoid mold and bugs. Definitely do not feed the plants until there are 4 sets of leaves, they can't even uptake it really. Make sure that ph is stable through the grow and things will go smoothly
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