Need ideas on an uneven canopy


New Member
Hey fellow growers.
Im growing nine plants, in five gallon buckets under a four and six hundred hps in a five by five..
Because the lights only really penetrate three maybe three and a half feet I try to keep the lights as close as humanly possible, usualy eight or so inches from the tops. well this time around I think I waited a little too long to start flowering so the plants were like four feet when they started flowering, now they are in a big time stretch phase and a few are short indicas but a few are stretching a little faster..about eight inches taller and thats a lot with artificial lights..
Two you guys have a way you deal with taller plants ...
Also would any of you ever snip the top to let the lower six even branches become the top, I mean its four days into 12/12 . Would I be loosing or would the new multiple tops make up for it?
Thanks guys
EVEN IF YOU JUST SAY WHATS UP IM BAKED its better than sayin nothin
after SC I prop them up and either lay them on another branch or use something to hold them at a 45 degree but thats just me, everyone has thier own way of doing things...
I guess theres no difference between a bud growing horizontly rather than verticaly...i did notice in past grows that if the plant is always facing one side to the light the bud will develope better on one side.i do have a 100watt hps that just plugs in, that maybe illuseto lightthe underside
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