Need your opinion

I'd flush a total of 7 days minimum not seven times 7 days from first flush. I shoot for 10.

That dry area will work get rh up to about 50% and wait until branch snaps. A low rh they can dry to quickly. The idea is to wick the moisture out at a even steady pace.

I hope all this enough helps.

And after 17 years of growing I just stumbled onto this and I highly highly recommend

Bud Washing
So here's an example.
Plant is ready to harvest at roughly 60 days I know this cause I've grown said strain numerous times
On day 50 I flush for first time heavy flush let water drain significantly out bottom minimum of 1 gallon expelled from pot. I use 7 gallon pots and try and flush with 4 gallons first flush.
Once pot is dry I flush again same method. Usually day 54 let's say. Then roughly day 57 I flush same method one last time and on day 60 pot is dry I chop plant and hang.

Now that was just an example strains all vary but you get the jist?
Great description Dutty,
The main problem I have is that this is an unknown strain, so I would have to say 8-9 weeks of flower? So I have a week to 2 to go.
Well next grow of this will I will be better able to time it.
I ordered Jorge Cervantes book. Can't wait to read it.
You trimming all night long or just an early start today?
Thanks and don't work too hard.
Fat girl just won't stop.
Week 8 since buds started. And she is putting out more pistils.
Got to be the shit soil I started her in? Still some nutes in soil?
She has not been fed in 3-1/2 weeks! Only water.
This party will never end. Lol
I'd pull when trichomes are roughly 10% amber then on her clone when you bloom try 20 or 30% amber and see which crop you liked the outcome the most.
Hmm well thats good. I've had it happen on plants that get stressed usually from to cold of nights outdoor. I have a few strains though that pistils are still white and growing vigorously when I chop down as well though.
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