Odd discoloration


Well-Known Member
Weird discoloration on one of my plants fan leaves. I thought I may have accidentally spilled a little compost tea on it and it dried. But it is now it’s seems to be spreading unevenly around different parts of the plant.

It could also be the concoction of soil I have them in but that’s the only one looking like that. I’m not ruling that completely out just yet though.
Only ingredient not in the photo

it's not an ingredient lol
leaf miners are pests that burrow into the leaves and leave larvae that eats the leaves. they cause the damage you are seeing
leaf miners are pests that burrow into the leaves and leave larvae that eats the leaves.
Then the larvae mature and falls off the plant and burrow into the soil where they live for awhile as pupae. Then the come out as a flying insect and lay eggs on the leaves and start the process over again.

A short but interesting article out of the University of Minnesota Extension Service on leaf miners in a garden.

Once a grower sees the damage from a leaf miner there seems to be no forgetting it.
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