Our Ongoing Grows

Hey Xlr. I hear ya about feet. People don't realize what it's like to lose your Get away stick. My feet have this problem from working back in 1979 on a paint crew. I jumped off the back of the truck and landed square ontop a 16 penny nail that went clean thru my foot and work boots. The Next day my leg was red all the way up to my knee. I remember crawling into the hospital with my foot in the air. I had a bone infection. They drilled a hole in the foot to drain the poison out thru a drain tube. But after that it left a spur on that foot. I've dealt with that ever since. Now I got trouble with the other foot also. Oh well. I could complain, but why? Aint going to fix anything is it now?
Well I had to take the indoor Cripit down. They were alittle past ready. But I did find what produced that strange growth I showed earlier. I found that stem that was growing. I pulled pretty hard and it didn't come out the soil. I figgured it was a tuber. Well after digging around I got the whole stem out. LOL I feel like a fool;

It's was a left over from my watch dogs. The Squirrel. They planted a walnut, We have a big walnut tree out back. I've never looked before at a new walnut tree sprout. I have now. lifes a bitch. Then you die. JK
Keepem Green
Welcome there A1Weed. I feel honored You decided to open up and shout out. Thanks for the compiment. Alot of great grows here. Hope you join us in trying to stop the cartels one plant at a time.
Reminds me of that old song 'Homegrow is a good thing'. Well I was looking at my starts for afew new strains, and looks like one isn't going to make it. I had to remove the seed covering manually which went well but she isn't popping out there like her siblings. But out of the last 11 seeds I've tried growing out 10 are doing great. Now that's what I like.
Harvested all 8 Cripits I had. They took 42 days to finish. I did see one spot of bud rot. Which wasn't bad It only cost me half of a bud. This plant is crazy fast. That bud I wieghed wet at 35 grams is dry. She ended up at 10.5 grams. Soon as this Star-47 is dry I can compair. These buds are so hard.
Hey Miwa. You know I really think these buds are harder than a walnut. Thanks for driving thru,,,,,,,,,,,
Keepem Green
I did see a strange site. Another freak anyways. I was looking at my Cripits and something was sticking straight out of the ground. I figgure I got a weed somehow so I pulled it. After looking I seen it was a herb plant. But it didn't start from seed. It looks like tuber. It was growing straight up like 4" from the stem of the plant. I wonder if a plant roots can send out new plants where a root might break thru the top of the soil like roses etc. I can't call it but I will dig it out carefully if I rememebr to at harvest. Here's a pic of it;

Pretty wierd to me. I've never seen anything like it.<snip>

This is what I was talking about a long time ago in a discussion about roots breaking soil, turning green, and looking more like a stem, than a root. When I was doing nursery and landscaping we called it a 'sucker'. It is basically where a root gets so much sun it becomes a plant of its own. We could actually cut it off the plant's main root system with about 3" of surrounding soil and start a whole new plant. They're more often found in late summer as the season draws to a close and no "sexual reproduction" has happened. It's a backup plan present in many plant species to use instead of pollination. A sort of In Case of Emergency plan book for when no pollinators are around...

Well I had to take the indoor Cripit down. They were alittle past ready. But I did find what produced that strange growth I showed earlier. I found that stem that was growing. I pulled pretty hard and it didn't come out the soil. I figgured it was a tuber. Well after digging around I got the whole stem out. LOL I feel like a fool;

It's was a left over from my watch dogs. The Squirrel. They planted a walnut, We have a big walnut tree out back. I've never looked before at a new walnut tree sprout. I have now. lifes a bitch. Then you die. JK
Keepem Green

And now I see it was a TREE! wtf? oh well... what I said above still stands as true though.
I fully expect to see some "Walnut OG" growing in your garden next summer... :rofl:

Crazy funny how that happened, thanks for letting us know the scoop!

Ouch on the nail through the foot - I really cringed when I read that. I have some heal spurs due to plantar fasciatis that went untreated for quite a while. But a bone infection from a nail through the foot is one thing I hope to avoid at all costs, OUCH!!!
Well new news. I couldn't get ahold of the vendor to bitich him out over this hood that fried. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO I contacted SunLight Systems about it. Told them that this vendor had put a different cord on my light. I seen they have a 5 year warranty in the box off the new one. Hey they upgraded to hood by making the glass swing down to change bulbs or clean glass, and they also pulled a extra bead around the flange that holds the ductwork so it won't slide off. I always wondered why these inline fans don't have a better lip on them for ductwork anyways. But they told me I could get factory spec's if I wanted to buy a new cord. They even told me a vendor that will do it for free without me having to ship it back to the factory. That works. But I really don't need another hood. Anyways you can bet I'm going to get it fixed anyways for a back up, or iffin I ever deside to upgrade my lights again, meaning 4 lights in flower room. I can't see it myself. The hood way to heavy to put in my veg tent anyways. And I'd rather upgrade to 2 1500 watters on light rails. Well in a minute I'm going to see if I fried the bulb or ballast system with that short.
Man I been smoking some of that Berkley Blues. Man she hits ya hard. Makes me feel weak in the knees after smoking some of it. I'm going to flower one inside and see what happens. Maybe I can get some larger buds. I do do alot of topping on some plants. This will increase that amounts of tops but it will also make smaller cola's. I think I said I think my yield was down because of outside light sorces. Meaning I have a street light out tere that is on damn near 24/7. Guess before next year I'll break out a 22 and put a end to it for acouple months anyways
Jandre Your so rite in your phrasing. I pulled this info up to look into plant reproduction processes;

Natural vegetative structures
The rhizome is a modified underground stem serving as an organ of vegetative reproduction; the growing tips of the rhizome can separate as new plants, e.g., Polypody, Iris, Couch Grass and Nettles.
Prostrate aerial stems, called runners or stolons are important vegetative reproduction organs in some species, such as the strawberry, numerous grasses, and some ferns.
Adventitious buds form on roots near the ground surface, on damaged stems (as on the stumps of cut trees), or on old roots. These develop into above-ground stems and leaves. A form of budding called suckering is the reproduction or regeneration of a plant by shoots that arise from an existing root system. Species that characteristically produce suckers include Elm (Ulmus), Dandelion (Taraxacum), and many members of the Rose family such as Rosa and Rubus.
Plants like onion (Allium cepa), hyacinth (Hyacinth), narcissus (Narcissus) and tulips (Tulipa) reproduce by dividing their underground bulbs into more bulbs. Other plants like potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) and dahlia (Dahlia) reproduce by a similar method involving underground tubers. Gladioli and crocuses (Crocus) reproduce in a similar way with corms.
I use to love fishing in cypress 'knees'. Guess they even fit in this category. They sure hold some big ass bass, back in Arkansas, I use to wear them out with homemade rubber worms. Back then no vendors carried worms like 12" and bigger. If there were wasn't anyway to find them with something like the net.
Well I lost one sprout. She broke ground and stopped growing. Damn it it was my Jack Herer seed. I think some seeds can tell it's not quite right for them. I have my starts in the garage in a tent but it still feels cold out there. I got a 400 watt MH in a 4X4. Still thats the only loss out of like 11 seeds. I plan on throwing another Star-47 and a NL x BB in the flower room today. After they get a dose of Eagle 20. Stuff seems to work, as long as you do it early. Stuff lives in your plant for like 14 days. I like to give my plants acouple extra weeks to make sure it has dissapated out of the final product. In abit I'm going to try a plant without spray to see if I might have fixed the problem. Least till another outbreak.
Xlr, Walnut OG. Hey ya never know I swear this Cripit is almost as hard as a walnut. Sprinkle alittle OG kush pollen on her and well just a thought.
Well hope all gardens are doing great Keepem Green
Well new news. I couldn't get ahold of the vendor to bitich him out over this hood that fried. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO I contacted SunLight Systems about it. Told them that this vendor had put a different cord on my light. I seen they have a 5 year warranty in the box off the new one. Hey they upgraded to hood by making the glass swing down to change bulbs or clean glass, and they also pulled a extra bead around the flange that holds the ductwork so it won't slide off. I always wondered why these inline fans don't have a better lip on them for ductwork anyways. But they told me I could get factory spec's if I wanted to buy a new cord. They even told me a vendor that will do it for free without me having to ship it back to the factory. That works. But I really don't need another hood. Anyways you can bet I'm going to get it fixed anyways for a back up, or iffin I ever deside to upgrade my lights again, meaning 4 lights in flower room. I can't see it myself. The hood way to heavy to put in my veg tent anyways. And I'd rather upgrade to 2 1500 watters on light rails. Well in a minute I'm going to see if I fried the bulb or ballast system with that short.
Man I been smoking some of that Berkley Blues. Man she hits ya hard. Makes me feel weak in the knees after smoking some of it. I'm going to flower one inside and see what happens. Maybe I can get some larger buds. I do do alot of topping on some plants. This will increase that amounts of tops but it will also make smaller cola's. I think I said I think my yield was down because of outside light sorces. Meaning I have a street light out tere that is on damn near 24/7. Guess before next year I'll break out a 22 and put a end to it for acouple months anyways
Jandre Your so rite in your phrasing. I pulled this info up to look into plant reproduction processes;

Natural vegetative structures
The rhizome is a modified underground stem serving as an organ of vegetative reproduction; the growing tips of the rhizome can separate as new plants, e.g., Polypody, Iris, Couch Grass and Nettles.
Prostrate aerial stems, called runners or stolons are important vegetative reproduction organs in some species, such as the strawberry, numerous grasses, and some ferns.
Adventitious buds form on roots near the ground surface, on damaged stems (as on the stumps of cut trees), or on old roots. These develop into above-ground stems and leaves. A form of budding called suckering is the reproduction or regeneration of a plant by shoots that arise from an existing root system. Species that characteristically produce suckers include Elm (Ulmus), Dandelion (Taraxacum), and many members of the Rose family such as Rosa and Rubus.
Plants like onion (Allium cepa), hyacinth (Hyacinth), narcissus (Narcissus) and tulips (Tulipa) reproduce by dividing their underground bulbs into more bulbs. Other plants like potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) and dahlia (Dahlia) reproduce by a similar method involving underground tubers. Gladioli and crocuses (Crocus) reproduce in a similar way with corms.
I use to love fishing in cypress 'knees'. Guess they even fit in this category. They sure hold some big ass bass, back in Arkansas, I use to wear them out with homemade rubber worms. Back then no vendors carried worms like 12" and bigger. If there were wasn't anyway to find them with something like the net.
Well I lost one sprout. She broke ground and stopped growing. Damn it it was my Jack Herer seed. I think some seeds can tell it's not quite right for them. I have my starts in the garage in a tent but it still feels cold out there. I got a 400 watt MH in a 4X4. Still thats the only loss out of like 11 seeds. I plan on throwing another Star-47 and a NL x BB in the flower room today. After they get a dose of Eagle 20. Stuff seems to work, as long as you do it early. Stuff lives in your plant for like 14 days. I like to give my plants acouple extra weeks to make sure it has dissapated out of the final product. In abit I'm going to try a plant without spray to see if I might have fixed the problem. Least till another outbreak.
Xlr, Walnut OG. Hey ya never know I swear this Cripit is almost as hard as a walnut. Sprinkle alittle OG kush pollen on her and well just a thought.
Well hope all gardens are doing great Keepem Green

Wowser............readin that made ma head hurt lol
Stoned isn't the word. I tell ya that Berkley Blues makes me weak in the knees. Sure isn't a smoke you want at work or something. It effects my 'Old Lady' the same way. Total stuck on stupid weed. Stuff is sweet. Tastes like sweet grapes. And packs a punch. Yea I'm guilty Jandre I sometimes get alittle chatty and forget full when I get stoned. I know I repeat alot of stuff here and tend to babble, Old Timers disease I guess. I guess thats fitting seeing my birthing day is coming up. Day before Halloween. So I guess me and mine are going to the casions again. Free room and lots of other perks if I go. IF did I say that? I mean when..... Keepem Green
Stoned isn't the word. I tell ya that Berkley Blues makes me weak in the knees. Sure isn't a smoke you want at work or something. It effects my 'Old Lady' the same way. Total stuck on stupid weed. Stuff is sweet. Tastes like sweet grapes. And packs a punch. Yea I'm guilty Jandre I sometimes get alittle chatty and forget full when I get stoned. I know I repeat alot of stuff here and tend to babble, Old Timers disease I guess. I guess thats fitting seeing my birthing day is coming up. Day before Halloween. So I guess me and mine are going to the casions again. Free room and lots of other perks if I go. IF did I say that? I mean when..... Keepem Green

Old timers disease? I prefer to blame it on the bud..lol. As for the casino, I simply put my money in an envelope and leave it at the door. My arm don't get tired pullin on that one armed bandit.I nail in the foot is painful as hell, but try sitting on one of those monsters...ughhh. Had to go get tetanous shot last summer after doing that. Buttocks were a bit sore for awhile, but not as bad as my embarrassed ego when the doc gave me the shot and a hearty laugh. Managed to smash my left pointer finger twice as well, with an Estwing waffled framing hammer, then drove a square #2 torque bit through it as well. Surprised the finger is still attached at this point..lol. Good luck at the casino brother, and happy birthday!!
Ouch. Them framing hammers sure could do some damage. Hey good thing is you didn't get a infection in ya. What really hurts is having to pull it out. Kind of like getting the tip of your well, and knowing it's going to hurt worse unzipping. Man GMT you been smoking alot on the job? Sounds like you are tearing your ass up a bit. Hey your grow is taking shape. I plan on driving thru this evening.
Thanks all of you for the well wishes. And Bill you will b back here soon and we'll get to go hit some blackjack tables or something. Thank for dropping in XLR. Stoned will work for sure. But then I am getting pretty old, or least I feel alot older than I am. I'm going to go to the casino's with the plan of winning another upgrade to the garden. If so I'm not sure which upgrade I would do, either a higher rated power main, or a gas line to the room for CO2. I've thought about tanks, but really is too much a hassle least to me changing tanks and running out. Besides I think its alot cheaper than tanks. Just alittle heat issiues maybe.
I need to get a pic of that Cripit I got going. I think I will before the lights come on.
Well I got afew pic's of some of whats in there. I need to do some work with this plant for sure. I got a feeling this plant is going to work into a breeder for me. Now all I need is some super good pollens to consider. This plant has the speed. The weeds good. But like all of us, we'd like to improve on it and leave our mark. This is that base plant. Here she is at day 35 under 12/12;

Man at this point she does nothing but pack on meat and crystals. She doesn't do any fashy colors bur she does have that 'Old Thai' smell. And she is sticky as hell;

Ok now for that P-91. Shes been in flower for 29 day now. She's trying to pack on some wieght now also. This weed is great at nite time. I find myself trying to rate my herbs with the 'family guy' method but I nod off 15 minutes after I smoke it. It seems to help with pain abit better than average herbs. This is suppose to be the one that helped this lady off pain meds. And she has late staged cancer. She Stoney Girl recomended this highly. I have acouple oz's of it. They claimed this THC levels off the chart. The herb I grew was grown outdoors and is on a scale 1-10, 7 3/4 to 8. Nowhere near the levels they claim. But might even get stronger grown indoors under alittle brighter lighting than outdoor Oregon. I have this one plus another in my veg tent just incase;

Pic's are not as clear as I'd wish but you get the idea, P-91;

Another plant I grew outside was the Speotnik#1. She was sure a pretty plant outside this year. She got a very strong odor. Smells of deseil. I haven't really gave it a good sampling yet so I can't give a rating. I have smoked it and it does work but one of these days I'll try it from a clear head. She produced some nice 1-2 oz' buds on the main stem up top. You can see these are going to fill in 100% into some nice sized cola's;

Here's what her stance looks like;

Ok I also am trying one of the Berkley Blues indoors. Another that might be even better inside than out. Least I'm going to find out. The outdoor smoke rated 8-to 8 and a 1/2 and man she tastes sweet. Good outdoor plant for sure here in Oregon. She has that sativa look. B-B;

Ok now for the twists and curves of revegging. OG Kush. I wish I had some pollen off her to throw on the Cripit. Man this weed is killer. Was my bad not cloning here. LOL some people say it's too strong for them. All I can say is take less hits. OG Kush;

Well that's it for now. I haven't fired up the 1500 watter again except to see if it hurt the ballast or bulb. Which both are fine thank god. But I only have 6 plants going in there and most are small so I really don't need the light yet. But I have afew plants on deck. I'm looking foreward to some Vantage in the jars again. So far between Cripit, OG and Vantage, I'm going to work on another flip.
Well till later Keepem Green
Ouch. Them framing hammers sure could do some damage. Hey good thing is you didn't get a infection in ya. What really hurts is having to pull it out. Kind of like getting the tip of your well, and knowing it's going to hurt worse unzipping. Man GMT you been smoking alot on the job? Sounds like you are tearing your ass up a bit. Hey your grow is taking shape. I plan on driving thru this evening.
Thanks all of you for the well wishes. And Bill you will b back here soon and we'll get to go hit some blackjack tables or something. Thank for dropping in XLR. Stoned will work for sure. But then I am getting pretty old, or least I feel alot older than I am. I'm going to go to the casino's with the plan of winning another upgrade to the garden. If so I'm not sure which upgrade I would do, either a higher rated power main, or a gas line to the room for CO2. I've thought about tanks, but really is too much a hassle least to me changing tanks and running out. Besides I think its alot cheaper than tanks. Just alittle heat issiues maybe.
I need to get a pic of that Cripit I got going. I think I will before the lights come on.
Well I got afew pic's of some of whats in there. I need to do some work with this plant for sure. I got a feeling this plant is going to work into a breeder for me. Now all I need is some super good pollens to consider. This plant has the speed. The weeds good. But like all of us, we'd like to improve on it and leave our mark. This is that base plant. Here she is at day 35 under 12/12;

Man at this point she does nothing but pack on meat and crystals. She doesn't do any fashy colors bur she does have that 'Old Thai' smell. And she is sticky as hell;

Ok now for that P-91. Shes been in flower for 29 day now. She's trying to pack on some wieght now also. This weed is great at nite time. I find myself trying to rate my herbs with the 'family guy' method but I nod off 15 minutes after I smoke it. It seems to help with pain abit better than average herbs. This is suppose to be the one that helped this lady off pain meds. And she has late staged cancer. She Stoney Girl recomended this highly. I have acouple oz's of it. They claimed this THC levels off the chart. The herb I grew was grown outdoors and is on a scale 1-10, 7 3/4 to 8. Nowhere near the levels they claim. But might even get stronger grown indoors under alittle brighter lighting than outdoor Oregon. I have this one plus another in my veg tent just incase;

Pic's are not as clear as I'd wish but you get the idea, P-91;

Another plant I grew outside was the Speotnik#1. She was sure a pretty plant outside this year. She got a very strong odor. Smells of deseil. I haven't really gave it a good sampling yet so I can't give a rating. I have smoked it and it does work but one of these days I'll try it from a clear head. She produced some nice 1-2 oz' buds on the main stem up top. You can see these are going to fill in 100% into some nice sized cola's;

Here's what her stance looks like;

Ok I also am trying one of the Berkley Blues indoors. Another that might be even better inside than out. Least I'm going to find out. The outdoor smoke rated 8-to 8 and a 1/2 and man she tastes sweet. Good outdoor plant for sure here in Oregon. She has that sativa look. B-B;

Ok now for the twists and curves of revegging. OG Kush. I wish I had some pollen off her to throw on the Cripit. Man this weed is killer. Was my bad not cloning here. LOL some people say it's too strong for them. All I can say is take less hits. OG Kush;

Well that's it for now. I haven't fired up the 1500 watter again except to see if it hurt the ballast or bulb. Which both are fine thank god. But I only have 6 plants going in there and most are small so I really don't need the light yet. But I have afew plants on deck. I'm looking foreward to some Vantage in the jars again. So far between Cripit, OG and Vantage, I'm going to work on another flip.
Well till later Keepem Green

Looking great Wood - I really like OG Kush, too. As far as just based on the "high"/effects, it's the best I've ever had. Chocolope is still my favorite for the overall taste/smell/high, but OG Kush is the best I've had so far as far as the experience alone.

I screwed up and didn't clone the OG Kush I grew either. But, I did selectively pollinate one of it's buds with pollen from a Jack the Ripper male I had, and I'm growing out one of those seeds (clone of it) right now. It's looking pretty good and it smells absolutely amazing - just like lemonade. I can see a lot of the OG influence in the buds - I really hope it's as good as the OG with that nice lemonade flavor from the Jack the Ripper. Those seeds and the mom will be like gold to me if it's as good as it's smelling and I'm hoping! I like both the OG Kush and the JTR for my nerve pain and I'm really hoping for a winner from the cross.

Those first pictures of yours, are those the Cripit? I couldn't tell at first from the description. Sure a nice looking plant. But, your stuff is always "grade A" my friend. Beautiful pics as always buddy! :bravo:
Thanks everyone for the comments. Welcome all and I'm outta here. Off to win either a new central ac unit or a co2 system Keepem Green
OH well. Guess plants aren't going to have any CO2 yet. I feel like I been abused after this trip. Took my pennies and sent me on my way. SSDD I guess. Well I'll update some in a bit. Isn't alot to say plants grew a inch I guess but I will say this in Oregon a dehumidifier is as important as a light. I try to keep my flower room under 45%. I have to empty the unit twice a day. I got back after about 36 hours and it was 65% in there. My dehumidifier holds about 2 gallons water. Here it's real important to keep the levels down because PM runs amuck here. Till later Keepem Green
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