Phytoseiulus Persimilis force


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have experience with these beneficial insects?

I think they may have died due to grow room humidity level too low. I cant find evidence of them being alive. I only see the spotted mites and mite babies.

I'm growing 4 plants hydroponic and thought that would offer sufficient humidity but the room hovered around only 40%.

I added a humidifier today and it jumped it up to 78. What I'm wondering is if I should buy another batch of these mite eating mites now that I have humidifier, or will these ones suddenly be revived in the humid environment.

My next option is neem oil from health food store because hydroponic store is no longer aloud to sell for spraying on plants. (Anyone know why? Is this another popcorn lung type irritant?)

I live in Canada and many of the options suggested in other threads aren't available here.
Neem oil is my first goto for pests. 1 tsp neem oil .5 tsp safer's soap to 1 liter of warm water. Usually have to warm the neem oil in a hot water bath before mixing. I spray every three days rinsing with water in-between. Mix a new batch every time you spray. Mites you might have to mix it up switch your products they seem to build up immunity if a product is used for too long. Oh also spray with lights off.

Not good to use if your very far into flower could affect the taste of product.
I have not used that particular mite before.
I understand that they need a constant food supply or they die rather quickly.
Not sure if the humidity or lack thereof is a factor but regardless you should have your humidity between 50-70% in veg for the sake of the plant in general.

These are little orange mites I think right?
So should be fairly easy to see.
And it sounds like you still have a pest mite problem so they should have had food, unless they ate everything and died out then the pest mites came back.

Neem is OK in Veg, I wouldn't use it in flower at all.

I've never had a pest mite problem before so not as familiar with those predators.
Neem oil is under review in Canada. It will eventually be ok to use and back on the market. Another way to use neem and here's where I get shuned by the sponsors

Get some neem cake - soak about a 1/4 cup in a quart mason jar. Shake it a few times let it sit and settle out over night. Strain teh liquid off the top and dilute with a 1/2 gal of water and foliar that on... (not in flower). There's your neem treatment. This tea will be about 40% strength of the neem oil. The oil has issues you need to add some soap preferably non scented soap like dr bronners and shake it up with the oil. This emusifies the oil into the water so you get and even coating.
Neem oil is my first goto for pests. 1 tsp neem oil .5 tsp safer's soap to 1 liter of warm water. Usually have to warm the neem oil in a hot water bath before mixing. I spray every three days rinsing with water in-between. Mix a new batch every time you spray. Mites you might have to mix it up switch your products they seem to build up immunity if a product is used for too long. Oh also spray with lights off.

Not good to use if your very far into flower could affect the taste of product.
Try azamax. It’s like neem oil extract. It can be used farther in flower if your still battling it out with the bastards.
I think I heard something about neem oil and azamax being linked to "CHS" or "cannabis" hyperemesis syndrome. It started showing up in people who have never used cannabis, but eat a fully organic diet and don't properly rinse their produce.
I could be wrong about that, but I would look into it if I were you.
I think I heard something about neem oil and azamax being linked to "CHS" or "cannabis" hyperemesis syndrome. It started showing up in people who have never used cannabis, but eat a fully organic diet and don't properly rinse their produce.
I could be wrong about that, but I would look into it if I were you.
People that were to worried about an organic diet that they didn’t even wash the bugs off there veggies. And that didn’t smoke pot? There real shit to be scared of right now! Unfortunately. I think I probably smoked a couple little green worms throughout the years? And what else? I read that the neem lasts like 3 days that’s why you use a couple different products and rotate em.
People that were to worried about an organic diet that they didn’t even wash the bugs off there veggies. And that didn’t smoke pot? There real shit to be scared of right now! Unfortunately. I think I probably smoked a couple little green worms throughout the years? And what else? I read that the neem lasts like 3 days that’s why you use a couple different products and rotate em.
Smoking green worms? I use weed for edibles! How many have I eaten?
Wanted to share my update. I have been so busy with work that I have completely neglected my plants. I never got around to spraying insecticide soap or neem oil. I think the mite eaters and switching back to synthetic nuts must have done a good enough job as I don't see webs all over plants. The indoor plants shown with my smiling face peaking out, were planted june 9th in grow room. All hydro in the room. (Gods green crack and girl scout cookie) outdoor plants are cherry pie og and planted outside in soil. This crop seems to love neglect and emerald harvest nuts. Its already getting cold outside though and shorter days. The cherry pie has not yet flowered. I now have to try to bring indoors without bringing in bugs. I think they are too big to try to switch to hydro at this point so may have to fashion a makeshift room for soil plants with old lights half burnt out. Lol Can't wait to see these in flower. I also had a couple of autoflower plants next to cherry pie. I put them in jars yesterday. I thought they might have triggered other plants to flower but didn't. They produced the biggest buds I've gotten so far. Im Pretty amateur still. love the lack of work with autoflower. Anyway thats my update. No real questions. Always open to feedback and suggestions though. I know they all need serious haircut. No time for serious cut. Will trim where I can. Hoping for the best and already looking forward to next crop.


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