Pistils turning to early? (pics)


New Member
I am currently on day 41 of flowering, some of my colas have almost every single pistil turned orange. while some are hardly orange at all. This is my first grow so I am not totally sure, just wanted to make sure.

Should I start flushing soon?

I have a grow journal in my sig but wanted to try this section and try to get some different opinions. Ill throw in some pics where I am now and the pistils.
Hey partner! nice to see your garden. You, are doing something right!

From what I can see, you're right on track. I have had a number of plants have their pistils turn orange very quickly in flower. So, don't stress. Your girls look great.

Also, I would say you still have another 3-4 weeks left of flower. I know its not what you want to hear. But your pistils are still reaching for sunlight. And the buds themselves are quite small still you can expect them to still double in size yet!

Hope that helps! Cheers Friend!
Thanks Pigeons! I really appreciate the quick response!

It just kinda made me worry I was doing something wrong, glad to know its normal. And I'm alright with being a few weeks out still, as long as I get there. Really hoping I can pull 3+ ounces out of it total but without the experience, I don't have any idea.

It helped a lot, thanks again!!
Assuming this is the same plant. This is perfecting normal. As the plant matures during flower. A process called translocation takes place where the plant is taking the nutrients from the leaves and sends it to the buds. It starts hsppening particularly at the bottom of the plant first. Perfectly normal, Holmes!
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