

New Member
Billy smokes a bong,
Steph smokes a pipe,
Jeremy rolls a joint or two
To get him through the night.

Simon gets stoned,
Sally gets high,
Sometimes Matt gets paranoid
And thinks that he might die.

Jo gets the munchies,
Zac gets intense,
Rebecca gets so wasted
She stops making sense.

Everyone is different,
We don't know why.
Help - do this survey,
And explain it; We'll try.

Yeah I took that survey earlier it was waaaay too long.
Not only is it way too long, but it askes the same questions many times. "Have you ever had feelings of depression? Do you feel down? Do you feel hopeless?" I didn't even get through the first page before I realized this wasn't worth the time..
Aha, so it worked ... ha ha ha ..

No, really, thanks heaps for taking the time (or at least starting) to do it.

I know it's long - but the only way to get the right data is to ask lots of qs. Most of the research on cannabis out there is pretty unreliable because they haven't asked enough qs (or not the right ones). Like the way they ask about how many days a month you use, but never about the quantity you use - so someone who smokes 1 joint every day is considered a heavy user, while someone who spends half the week completely wasted and half straight might be a moderate user.

All the questions about how you feel are there because there is heaps of research showing that cannabis use causes depression/suicidality and I don't think that's the case for most users (maybe some), so I want to test it properly.

Anyway, thanks again - consider it time spent on a good cause (reliable, unbiased data).
Yeah, it should be worth it - I expect the data will be really interesting, and show up some things that haven't been looked at properly before. But first I've gotta get enough people to do it (about 1000 in all). So thanks for helping out - I know it's long, but I hope it was at least a little interesting too.
be sure to post your results here when you are done.
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has taken the time to check out my survey, The Cannabis Experience and Everyday Functioning Survey (www.thecannabisexperience.info), particularly those who have completed it.

It's great to have so much input - I'm sure the data you've provided will shed some light on aspects of use that have been virtually ignored by researchers in the past, and will be able to balance some of the biased "facts" currently spouted by zero-tolerance sources.

So far about 350 people have completed the survey. If possible I'd like to get at least 1000 data sets to make sure the research findings will be reliable. So if you haven't done it yet, or if you dropped out part way through, it would be great if you could complete it.

It is anonymous and seems to be taking most people between 45 mins and an hour to finish — I know this is long, but it is necessary. Every question has been included because it relates to some factor that another study has linked to cannabis use in some way. I can't evaluate other studies if I don't collect the same info.

Anyway, thanks again for your help in this. I'll post results when I have them.
ashengry said:
Thanks for the support - I'll definitely post the results, probably around Oct/Nov

Lmfao some people :(

He's a fake & has copied & cut all that info from uk420.com & you guys r praising him...When's the results ue then , When they get posted on uk420 lol

How sad
Thank you Lawless. I guess I've been in denial... I always thought I was the real deal, an original...now I know that I'm just a cheap knock-off... woe is me...

Actually, I've been posting on a number of boards - I need to to get enough participants. I could always stop if you guys would just do the survey...

BTW I'm female
the poem was great, but by everyones responese to the survey i wont even click the link
Is there something specific that puts you off?

It is long - taking most people about 45 mins to an hour, and it does include personal qs - like about how your feeling, about your childhood, and health probs (physical and mental), and if you were ever abused or suicidal.

The reasons behind this are that so many different things have been linked to cannabis use in someway or other that for me to do some research that will provide real answers I have to ask about these things too. I expect that most of these things will be found to not have an effect, but you never know.

But if you could let me know your thinking behind not wanting to do it - and the same to everyone else who has decided not to (or started but dropped out) - that would be great. I mean if something seems too personal or offensive or whatever, if you tell me about it then I'll know better next time.

Also, for those of you who have done it - did I miss something important? Are there things related to cannabis use that you want to know about that this research doesn't seem to cover?

Any feedback would be great. You can post here or email me directly at liztemple@gmail.com
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