Possible Pistil Problems?


New Member
Hey all you good people!

I've got SO MUCH friendly and helpful information here. Many thanks to all! Hey Nibec ol friend! :Namaste:

Everything looks pretty good so far...about 3 days out from harvest (Trichs are turning nicely)...and they are frosting up nicely too...

QUESTION/CONCERN: in the photos below, it seems that there are some 'teardrop shaped' thingies at the tops that are rather 'fat' or 'plump' at the tops of a bunch of the colas. (I took a 'mother plant' and popped her in to flower...LOTS of colas!)
Anyway...i am presuming this is where the pistils come from...it is just that some of those "teardrops' are plumper than others. And they dont seem to have as many pistils as smaller 'teardrops'...i hope that made sense!!!
...hope the pics are clear...

This is a group shot (1 plant)

This a close up of the top of a cola...the questionable part is in the center of pic

Just one more shot...

So good and knowledgable friends...any suggestions? or am i just worried over nothing?
Re: Possible Pistil Problems???

Looks very normal and healthy, very nice work :thumb:

I believe you may be refering to the calyx - (n) (botany) the whorl of sepals of a flower collectively forming the outer floral envelope or layer of the perianth enclosing and supporting the developing bud; usually green.

...flower parts are usually arrayed in whorls (or cycles) but may also be disposed spirally, especially if the axis is elongate. There are commonly four distinct whorls of flower parts: (1) an outer calyx consisting of sepals; within it lies (2) the corolla, consisting of petals; (3) the androecium, or group of stamens; and in the centre is (4) the gynoecium, consisting of the pistils.

Interesting link - Marijuana Botany: Propagation and Breeding of Distintive Cannabis - Robert Connell Clarke - Google Books
Re: Possible Pistil Problems???

Looks very normal and healthy, very nice work :thumb:

I believe you may be refering to the calyx - (n) (botany) the whorl of sepals of a flower collectively forming the outer floral envelope or layer of the perianth enclosing and supporting the developing bud; usually green.

...flower parts are usually arrayed in whorls (or cycles) but may also be disposed spirally, especially if the axis is elongate. There are commonly four distinct whorls of flower parts: (1) an outer calyx consisting of sepals; within it lies (2) the corolla, consisting of petals; (3) the androecium, or group of stamens; and in the centre is (4) the gynoecium, consisting of the pistils.

Interesting link - Marijuana Botany: Propagation and Breeding of Distintive Cannabis - Robert Connell Clarke - Google Books

LOL...thanks Fuzzyduck!
WOW! Talk about being informed...you, my friend ROCK! :Namaste:

i kinda thought all was good as my previous grow turned out awesome (damn tho...lol...took me 18 months to get it down)
I'm runnin hydroponics (easier, i think because of 'soil associated issues' and such...lol) and have had awesome results.

However, i cant seem to find a thread here regarding 'skinny buds'...rather, buds that SEEM like they should be fatter...not so "airy"...but a gro-guru friend suggested a PK boost of 0-10-6 in addition to my reg nutes (i'm using Ionic grow/bloom which seen to be just fine)...

And i was wondering IF all buds on a plant mature at same rate (i.e., should i just harvest the large colas and see if the lower buds grow bigger?)? The colas, of course look amazing and the smaller (lower) buds seem to be just smaller versions of the colas (and closely watching the trichs). They too seem nice and tight and plump...as i have been 'thinning' fan/water leaves to allow more light thru...and planning on replacing HPS light after 2 grows (my guru said the bulbs get 'weaker' after 2-3 grows)...any thoughts there?

As always, I am very grateful for the responses..and appreciate the info!

Thanks again Fuzzy! :peace::thanks:
Re: Possible Pistil Problems???

From what i understand of bulbs hps/mh & even the dual spectrum hps is that their is a depreciaion of light qualitie over time, this being an average of 6 months of optimal use of bulb at peak performance after this period the bulb suffers/degrades in perfomance which may lead to poor bud qualitie !

A side note regarding ballests.

Magnetic ballest will degrade life span of bulb quicker due to hard start up methods involved in it - bulb optimal life span 6 months estimate.

Digital ballest with their soft start tec will prolong optimal life of a bulb only by a few months - bulb optimal life span 8/9 months estimate.

I guess this could be tested by a light/lux meter for any die hard fans out their wishing to put it to the test !

Inverse square law of light...

Basically light degrades over distance, the further the bud is away from light source the less qualitie of light recieved must factor in canopy density ! this may cause slower maturity of lower bud sites or airy bud, i would think an old bulb past its optimal peak may cause similar symptoms also.
Re: Possible Pistil Problems???

Thanks fuzzy duck

thanks...lol..ya just confirmed my thinking on the light quality/distance concern i had. Turns out, and yet another confirmation for the fuzzster...lol...
I JUST harvested today...both mothers i flowered (after farming a bunch of clones first of course) WonderWoman and MobyDick...a couple nice indicas! 9 hours later (thats trimming time) i got em hanging before final drying in b/paper bags...then to jars for a proper 'curing'...
Heres a couple of pics of latest harvest: NOTE: Bud on lower right in first pic is about 7 inches long...to give ya a comparison!



Thanks again for your awesome assistance bud! :thanks::yahoo:(HARVEST TIME)
Re: Possible Pistil Problems???

Great looking bud 'n' sticky :thumb:

I do a lot of reading/research on the many subjects involved on indoor growing & pleased to know the infomation has been of good use :peace:
Re: Possible Pistil Problems???

Great looking bud 'n' sticky :thumb:

I do a lot of reading/research on the many subjects involved on indoor growing & pleased to know the infomation has been of good use :peace:

Thanks again Sir Fuzzmiester! lol
your dedication and knowledge are VERY much appreciated! Wish i could share some of my harvest with ya!

funny tho...it seems my wonderwoman has more buds than my mobydick...simply because they both were started from clones same time, went thru 'motherhood' at same time and into flower same time! lol
So, i figure its a genetic thing with each different plant strain...

Thanks again FD...i'll post some pics of finished and cured stuff next week! Take care :peace::thanks:
P.S., i do alot of research too on "alternative medicine"...and i am amazed at how many NATURAL things there are (cannabis too) that do so much good! ...and the BIG PHARMA cant make a dime...thats why we are tld those "alternative" things dont work!

AS you know, education is empowerment, yeah?
Hey FuzzyDuck...
here's a couple shots of WonderWoman and MobyDick...after 4 day hang. Popped em in brown paper bags till their crunchy and firm, then jar-cure em! That worked pretty good w/last harvest.

I was surprised by the amount of harvest...both plants were 'farmed' mothers, so there were more top colas...but it appears that 'mothers' are more dense centrally and packed close. I think i shoulda trimmed a bunchh out.
MobyDick seems to be maybe 56g+ whereas WonderWoman seems like 60g+ but smaller buds....

SO....i am gonna try a version of SCROG for mothers in flower.
Last crop, of 2 plants, 1 was topped @ about 2 weeks...and it almost double its sisters harvest!

I am using 1000w/HPS for flower, 12/12, yadda yadda...lol
a) gonna get new bulb
b) SCROG mothers

Any suggestions? ...lol...sorry...i just sampled a "test popcorn bud"...heh heh heh...
Here's a couple shots!
WonderWoman 2012...after 4 day hang



Thanks again FD! :peace::thanks::bravo:
Re: Possible Pistil Problems???

From what i understand of bulbs hps/mh & even the dual spectrum hps is that their is a depreciaion of light qualitie over time, this being an average of 6 months of optimal use of bulb at peak performance after this period the bulb suffers/degrades in perfomance which may lead to poor bud qualitie !

A side note regarding ballests.

Magnetic ballest will degrade life span of bulb quicker due to hard start up methods involved in it - bulb optimal life span 6 months estimate.

Digital ballest with their soft start tec will prolong optimal life of a bulb only by a few months - bulb optimal life span 8/9 months estimate.

I guess this could be tested by a light/lux meter for any die hard fans out their wishing to put it to the test !

Inverse square law of light...

Basically light degrades over distance, the further the bud is away from light source the less qualitie of light recieved must factor in canopy density ! this may cause slower maturity of lower bud sites or airy bud, i would think an old bulb past its optimal peak may cause similar symptoms also.

Im not Bragging...But my Ballast was made in 1996!!! LOL. Still goin strong...Got a new one now too, but if it aint broke dont fix it! Goodluk on ur grow
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